Jackson Browne
Far From The Arms Of Hunger

Far from the arms of hunger
Far from the world disorder
Beyond the reach of warfare
Blinded by faith no longer

No longer free to plunder
No longer safe to rule
A world no longer ours alone

Where people walk in wonder
And speak to one another
And recognize as brother
The face across the border

Across a sea of differences
Across the drifting sands
The joining of our hands in time

When will we find
We can no longer look away
When will we mind
The killing in our name each day

When we decide
That all our might just weighs us down
Then will we find
The means to turn our world around

When will we find
When will we mind
When we decide
The means to turn our world around

Far from the arms of hunger
Far from the world disorder
Beyond the reach of war
There is a world where we belong

Mirror lyrics:

There is a world where we belong
Beyond the reach of war
Far from the world disorder
Far from the arms of hunger

The means to turn our world around
When we decide
When will we mind
When will we find

The means to turn our world around
Then will we find
That all our might just weighs us down
When we decide

The killing in our name each day
When will we mind
We can no longer look away
When will we find

The joining of our hands in time
Across the drifting sands
Across a sea of differences

The face across the border
And recognize as brother
And speak to one another
Where people walk in wonder

A world no longer ours alone
No longer safe to rule
No longer free to plunder

Blinded by faith no longer
Beyond the reach of warfare
Far from the world disorder
Far from the arms of hunger

Relevant Tags:
FFar FFrom TThe AArms OOf HHunger ar rom he rms f unger aFr rFom hTe rAms fO uHnger car crom fhe zrms kf junger cFar cFrom fThe zArms kOf jHunger
Fcar Fcrom Tfhe Azrms Okf Hjunger rar rrom 5he qrms 9f uunger rFar rFrom 5The qArms 9Of uHunger Frar Frrom T5he Aqrms O9f Huunger gar grom hhe srms 0f nunger
gFar gFrom hThe sArms 0Of nHunger Fgar Fgrom Thhe Asrms O0f Hnunger tar trom yhe wrms lf bunger tFar tFrom yThe wArms lOf bHunger Ftar Ftrom Tyhe Awrms Olf Hbunger
var vrom 6he xrms if gunger vFar vFrom 6The xArms iOf gHunger Fvar Fvrom T6he Axrms Oif Hgunger dar drom ghe Arrms Off yunger dFar dFrom gThe Ams O yHunger
Fdar Fdrom Tghe Amrs Of Hyunger Faar rhe Adms Oc Fr Fom rThe Adrms Ocf Hnger Fra Form Trhe Ardms Ofc Hnuger Fzr Fdom A4ms Or Hhnger
Fzar Te A4rms Orf Hhunger Fazr Frdom Teh Ar4ms Ofr Huhnger Fqr F4om Tje Agms Og H7nger Fqar F4rom Tjhe Agrms Ogf H7unger Faqr Fr4om Thje Argms Ofg Hu7nger
Fsr Fgom Tue Atms Ot Hknger Fsar Tuhe Atrms Otf Hkunger Fasr Frgom Thue Artms Oft Huknger Fwr Ftom Tne A5ms Ov Hinger Fwar Tnhe A5rms Ovf Hiunger
Fawr Frtom Thne Ar5ms Ofv Huinger Fxr F5om Tbe Afms Od H8nger Fxar F5rom Tbhe Afrms Odf H8unger Faxr Fr5om Thbe Arfms Ofd Hu8nger Farr Ffom Tge Aems Hjnger
Fa Ffrom Aerms Far Frfom Thge Arems Hujnger Fad Feom Tye Armms Hynger Fadr Ferom Ars Fard Freom Thye Arsm Huynger
Fa4 Froom Thee Arjs Hunnger Fa4r Frm Th Arjms Huger Far4 Frmo The Armjs Hugner Fag Frkm Ths Arks Humger Fagr Frkom Thse Arkms Humnger
Farg Frokm Thes Armks Hunmger Fat Fr9m Th3 Arns Huhger Fatr Fr9om Th3e Arnms Fart Fro9m The3 Armns Hunhger Fa5 Fr0m Thf Armss Hujger
Fa5r Fr0om Thfe Arm Far5 Fro0m Thef Arms Hunjger Faf Frlm Thr Armz Hubger

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