Jealous Sound
Above The Waves

Everyday is a day that I can say
I keep my head above the waves

The news I just received
So shamelessly deceived
The truth just seems to hurt
A little more and more

I guess it all depends
The stupid life and stupid friends
Are you asking me to leave

The beauty I have seen I cannot keep
It seems the more I dream
The less I want to sleep

And then I go
All alone I'll have you know
It's only yours but even so
You can save my life again

Claw away circuits break
Multiply your worst mistake
As we complicate the end

Am I just giving up
Do I just sing for sound
Too smart too sick
Too weak to settle down

Lies just cut and paste
The sharp and bitter taste
Guarding I don't talk much anymore

The hopeless hearts
Rules that we can steal
We have more hurt inside
Than we could ever feel

Well I wonder
All alone I'll have you know
It's only yours but even so
You can save my life again

Claw away circuits break
Multiply your worst mistake
As we complicate the end

Dream of glass and window sills
Sea of alcohol and pills
And I wonder if you could save my life

You say you don't want to live
Is there nothing I can give
To help you sleep tonight

Mirror lyrics:

To help you sleep tonight
Is there nothing I can give
You say you don't want to live

And I wonder if you could save my life
Sea of alcohol and pills
Dream of glass and window sills

As we complicate the end
Multiply your worst mistake
Claw away circuits break

You can save my life again
It's only yours but even so
All alone I'll have you know
Well I wonder

Than we could ever feel
We have more hurt inside
Rules that we can steal
The hopeless hearts

Guarding I don't talk much anymore
The sharp and bitter taste
Lies just cut and paste

Too weak to settle down
Too smart too sick
Do I just sing for sound
Am I just giving up

As we complicate the end
Multiply your worst mistake
Claw away circuits break

You can save my life again
It's only yours but even so
All alone I'll have you know
And then I go

The less I want to sleep
It seems the more I dream
The beauty I have seen I cannot keep

Are you asking me to leave
The stupid life and stupid friends
I guess it all depends

A little more and more
The truth just seems to hurt
So shamelessly deceived
The news I just received

I keep my head above the waves
Everyday is a day that I can say

Relevant Tags:
AAbove TThe WWaves bove he aves bAove hTe aWves zbove fhe aaves zAbove fThe aWaves Azbove Tfhe Waaves qbove 5he 3aves
qAbove 5The 3Waves Aqbove T5he W3aves sbove hhe daves sAbove hThe dWaves Asbove Thhe Wdaves wbove yhe eaves wAbove yThe eWaves
Awbove Tyhe Weaves xbove 6he saves xAbove 6The sWaves Axbove T6he Wsaves Abbove ghe 2aves Aove gThe 2Waves Aobve Tghe W2aves
Avove rhe qaves Avbove rThe qWaves Abvove Trhe Wqaves Agove Agbove Te Wves Abgove Teh Wvaes Anove Tje Wzves
Anbove Tjhe Wzaves Abnove Thje Wazves Ahove Tue Wqves Ahbove Tuhe Abhove Thue Waqves Aboove Tne Wsves Abve Tnhe
Abvoe Thne Wasves Abkve Tbe Wwves Abkove Tbhe Wwaves Abokve Thbe Wawves Ab9ve Tge Wxves Ab9ove Wxaves Abo9ve Thge Waxves
Ab0ve Tye Wavves Ab0ove Waes Abo0ve Thye Waevs Ablve Thee Wabes Ablove Th Wabves

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