Jann Arden
Kitchen Window

I left my kitchen window open last night
And all that fresh cold air came rushing in
It gets so damn dark down here
Sometimes I want that steel blue air

The only plant I had just up and died
I feel so bad 'cause it's my fault
It was stone bone dry
It hardly ever saw the sun
It never saw the rain come down

I got a cat so I'd have company
We seldom talk, he eats a lot
But seems to like me
My place has never been the same
I'd like to be alone again

I left my kitchen window open last night
I haven't seen the cat
He caught a midnight flight
It gets so damn dark down here
Sometimes I want that steel blue air

Mirror lyrics:

Sometimes I want that steel blue air
It gets so damn dark down here
He caught a midnight flight
I haven't seen the cat
I left my kitchen window open last night

I'd like to be alone again
My place has never been the same
But seems to like me
We seldom talk, he eats a lot
I got a cat so I'd have company

It never saw the rain come down
It hardly ever saw the sun
It was stone bone dry
I feel so bad 'cause it's my fault
The only plant I had just up and died

Sometimes I want that steel blue air
It gets so damn dark down here
And all that fresh cold air came rushing in
I left my kitchen window open last night

Relevant Tags:
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Koitchen W3indow mitchen dindow mKitchen dWindow Kmitchen Wdindow jitchen eindow jKitchen eWindow Kjitchen Weindow iitchen sindow
iKitchen sWindow Kiitchen Wsindow 2indow Ktchen 2Window Ktichen W2indow Kjtchen qindow qWindow Kijtchen Wqindow
K9tchen Wiindow K9itchen Wndow Ki9tchen Wnidow Kltchen Wjndow Wjindow Kiltchen Wijndow Kotchen W9ndow W9indow
Kiotchen Wi9ndow Kktchen Wlndow Kkitchen Wlindow Kiktchen Wilndow K8tchen Wondow K8itchen Woindow Ki8tchen Wiondow Kutchen Wkndow
Kuitchen Wkindow Kiutchen Wikndow Kittchen W8ndow Kichen W8indow Kicthen Wi8ndow Kifchen Wundow Kiftchen Wuindow Kitfchen Wiundow
Ki5chen Winndow Ki5tchen Widow Kit5chen Widnow Kihchen Wimdow Kihtchen Wimndow Kithchen Winmdow Kiychen Wihdow Kiytchen Wihndow
Kitychen Winhdow Ki6chen Wijdow Ki6tchen Kit6chen Winjdow Kigchen Wibdow Kigtchen Wibndow Kitgchen Winbdow Kirchen Winddow
Kirtchen Winow Kitrchen Winodw Kitcchen Winxow Kithen Winxdow

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