Jann Arden
Looking For It (finding Heaven)

I'll bite the hand that feeds the pain
I'll lay my life down for love
I lost the truth, I lost my way
But I am looking for it
Oh I am looking for it now
I am looking for it
Oh I am looking for myself

A savior sent to save the world
An angel has no armor
Now torn and bent, no wings unfurl
We are looking for it
Oh we are looking for it now
We are looking for it
We need to find but one thing good

And under every star (I'm finding Heaven)
In every breath of air (I'm finding Heaven)
In everything I have (I'm finding Heaven)
In everything I am...oh

The world is big, the world is bad
But I will find the beauty - I see a vision in my head
I am looking for it
Oh I am looking for it
Oh I am looking for myself
I am looking for it - I am looking for it now
I am looking for it
Oh I am looking for it now
Oh I am looking for myself

Mirror lyrics:

Oh I am looking for myself
Oh I am looking for it now
I am looking for it
I am looking for it - I am looking for it now
Oh I am looking for myself
Oh I am looking for it
I am looking for it
But I will find the beauty - I see a vision in my head
The world is big, the world is bad

In everything I am...oh
In everything I have (I'm finding Heaven)
In every breath of air (I'm finding Heaven)
And under every star (I'm finding Heaven)

We need to find but one thing good
We are looking for it
Oh we are looking for it now
We are looking for it
Now torn and bent, no wings unfurl
An angel has no armor
A savior sent to save the world

Oh I am looking for myself
I am looking for it
Oh I am looking for it now
But I am looking for it
I lost the truth, I lost my way
I'll lay my life down for love
I'll bite the hand that feeds the pain

Relevant Tags:
LLooking FFor IIt ((finding HHeaven) ooking or t finding eaven) oLoking oFr tI f(inding eHaven) kooking cor jt (ffinding jeaven) kLooking cFor jIt (inding jHeaven)
Lkooking Fcor Ijt (ifnding Hjeaven) oooking ror 9t (cinding ueaven) oLooking rFor 9It (cfinding uHeaven) Loooking Fror I9t (fcinding Hueaven) pooking gor lt (rinding neaven)
pLooking gFor lIt (rfinding nHeaven) Lpooking Fgor Ilt (frinding Hneaven) tor ot (ginding beaven) Loking tFor oIt (gfinding bHeaven) Looking Ftor Iot (fginding Hbeaven)
Lkoking vor kt (tinding geaven) vFor kIt (tfinding gHeaven) Lokoking Fvor Ikt (ftinding Hgeaven) L9oking dor 8t (vinding yeaven) L9ooking dFor 8It (vfinding yHeaven)
Lo9oking Fdor I8t (fvinding Hyeaven) L0oking Foor ut (dinding Heeaven) L0ooking Fr uIt (dfinding Haven) Lo0oking Fro Iut (fdinding Haeven) Lloking Fkr Itt (fiinding Hsaven)
Llooking Fkor I (fnding Hseaven) Loloking Fokr It (fniding Hesaven) Lioking F9r If (fjnding H3aven) Liooking F9or Ift (fjinding H3eaven) Loioking Fo9r Itf (fijnding He3aven)
F0r I5 (f9nding Hfaven) F0or I5t (f9inding Hfeaven) Lokoing Fo0r It5 (fi9nding Hefaven) Lokking Flr Ih (flnding Hraven) Flor Iht (flinding Hreaven)
Lookking Folr Ith (filnding Heraven) Lo9king Fir Iy (fonding H4aven) Fior Iyt (foinding H4eaven) Loo9king Foir Ity (fionding He4aven) Lo0king Forr I6 (fknding Hdaven)
Fo I6t (fkinding Hdeaven) Loo0king For It6 (fiknding Hedaven) Lolking Fod Ig (f8nding Hwaven) Fodr Igt (f8inding Hweaven) Loolking Ford Itg (fi8nding Hewaven)
Loiking Fo4 Ir (funding Heaaven) Fo4r Irt (fuinding Heven) Looiking For4 Itr (fiunding Hevaen) Fog (finnding Hezven) Looing Fogr (fiding Hezaven)
Looikng Forg (fidning Heazven) Looling Fot (fimding Heqven) Fotr (fimnding Heqaven) Lookling Fort (finmding Heaqven) Loooing Fo5 (fihding Hesven)
Fo5r (fihnding Lookoing For5 (finhding Heasven) Looming Fof (fijding Hewven) Loomking Fofr Lookming Forf (finjding Heawven)
Loojing Foe (fibding Hexven) Loojking Foer (fibnding Hexaven) Lookjing Fore (finbding Heaxven) Looiing (findding Heavven) (fining Heaen)
Lookiing (finidng Heaevn) (finxing Heaben) Lookng (finxding Heabven) Looknig (findxing Heavben) Lookjng (fineing Heacen)

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