Jank 1000
If You Would Fall

right now you're feeling so alone
the way he talks to you and on the phone
and you always tell me that you
should find another guy
but never find the time

i've said it many times before
the things he puts you through
you can't ignore
why can't you see what i do?
im always there for you
this guys a waste of time
and so i tell you...

if you fall
then i would pick you up
that is a given but if i
would fall
and you don't pick me up
and then thats fine
i'll still be waiting for you

some days you argue and you fight
he likes to say that you are never right
i know the person he don't
i listen to you he won't
he just thinks your fine

next time you run to me and hide
remember it's my shoulder that you cry on
why can't you see what i do?
im always there for you
this guys a waste of time
and so i tell you..

if you fall
then i will pick you up
that is a given but if i
would fall
and you don't pick me up
then that's fine
i'll still be waitign for you

how i wish that this moment in time
that you would be mine forever
but i'll keep on pretendign this way
i hope and i pray
please just call today

if you would fall
then i would pick you up
anytime, anything
if i fall
and you dont pick me up
and then thats fine
ill still be waiting for you

if i fall
and you don't pick me up
then thats fine
i'll wait as long as you like

Mirror lyrics:

i'll wait as long as you like
then thats fine
and you don't pick me up
if i fall

ill still be waiting for you
and then thats fine
and you dont pick me up
if i fall
anytime, anything
then i would pick you up
if you would fall

please just call today
i hope and i pray
but i'll keep on pretendign this way
that you would be mine forever
how i wish that this moment in time

i'll still be waitign for you
then that's fine
and you don't pick me up
would fall
that is a given but if i
then i will pick you up
if you fall

and so i tell you..
this guys a waste of time
im always there for you
why can't you see what i do?
remember it's my shoulder that you cry on
next time you run to me and hide

he just thinks your fine
i listen to you he won't
i know the person he don't
he likes to say that you are never right
some days you argue and you fight

i'll still be waiting for you
and then thats fine
and you don't pick me up
would fall
that is a given but if i
then i would pick you up
if you fall

and so i tell you...
this guys a waste of time
im always there for you
why can't you see what i do?
you can't ignore
the things he puts you through
i've said it many times before

but never find the time
should find another guy
and you always tell me that you
the way he talks to you and on the phone
right now you're feeling so alone

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou WWould FFall f ou ould all fI oYu oWuld aFll jf gou aould call jIf gYou aWould cFall Ijf Ygou Waould Fcall
9f hou 3ould rall 9If hYou 3Would rFall I9f Yhou W3ould Frall lf 6ou dould gall lIf 6You dWould gFall Ilf Y6ou Wdould Fgall
of uou eould tall oIf uYou eWould tFall Iof Yuou Weould Ftall kf 7ou sould vall kIf 7You sWould vFall Ikf Y7ou Wsould Fvall
8f jou 2ould dall 8If jYou 2Would dFall I8f Yjou W2ould Fdall uf tou qould Faall uIf tYou qWould Fll Iuf Ytou Wqould Flal
Iff Yoou Woould Fzll I Yu Wuld Fzall If Yuo Wuold Fazll Ic Yku Wkuld Fqll Icf Ykou Wkould Fqall Ifc Yoku Wokuld Faqll
Ir Y9u W9uld Fsll Irf Y9ou W9ould Fsall Ifr Yo9u Wo9uld Fasll Ig Y0u W0uld Fwll Igf Y0ou W0ould Fwall Ifg Yo0u Wo0uld Fawll
It Ylu Wluld Fxll Itf Ylou Wlould Fxall Ift Yolu Woluld Faxll Iv Yiu Wiuld Falll Ivf Yiou Wiould Fal Ifv Yoiu Woiuld Fall
Id Youu Wouuld Fakl Idf Yo Wold Fakll Ifd You Wolud Falkl Yoh Wohld Faol Yohu Wohuld Faoll Youh Wouhld Falol

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