Jerry Lee Lewis
Down The Line

Yes, you can't be my lovin' baby.
You ain't-a got the style.
I'm a-gonna get some real gone love
That'll drive a cool cat wild.

Wanna move, move on down the line.
Gonna get me a gal, then I'll go out on the town.

Well, I'm gonna move on down the line.
I'm gonna get this gal, make some time.
You're gonna treat me square, you can't be slow,
When you start your struttin', we gotta go.

I'm gonna move, move on down the line.
Well, big love, lovin' all the time.

Yeah, I'm gonna show you you ain't so hot.
I'm gonna get what you ain't got.
She'll be sweet, [won't] do me wrong,
She'll be cool and twice as gone.

They're gonna roll on, roll on down the line.
I'm gonna get some love, love that is truly fine.

Well, I'm gonna move on down the line,
I'm gonna get some a-love that's truly fine,
She will be twice as gone.
When she starts her struttin', she's gotta go.

Gonna roll, roll on down the line.
Well, I'm gonna do right, do right all the time.
I'm gonna do right, do right all the time.

Mirror lyrics:

I'm gonna do right, do right all the time.
Well, I'm gonna do right, do right all the time.
Gonna roll, roll on down the line.

When she starts her struttin', she's gotta go.
She will be twice as gone.
I'm gonna get some a-love that's truly fine,
Well, I'm gonna move on down the line,

I'm gonna get some love, love that is truly fine.
They're gonna roll on, roll on down the line.

She'll be cool and twice as gone.
She'll be sweet, [won't] do me wrong,
I'm gonna get what you ain't got.
Yeah, I'm gonna show you you ain't so hot.

Well, big love, lovin' all the time.
I'm gonna move, move on down the line.

When you start your struttin', we gotta go.
You're gonna treat me square, you can't be slow,
I'm gonna get this gal, make some time.
Well, I'm gonna move on down the line.

Gonna get me a gal, then I'll go out on the town.
Wanna move, move on down the line.

That'll drive a cool cat wild.
I'm a-gonna get some real gone love
You ain't-a got the style.
Yes, you can't be my lovin' baby.

Relevant Tags:
DDown TThe LLine own he ine oDwn hTe iLne xown fhe kine xDown fThe kLine Dxown Tfhe Lkine eown 5he oine eDown 5The oLine Deown T5he Loine
fown hhe pine fDown hThe pLine Dfown Thhe Lpine rown yhe Liine rDown yThe Lne Drown Tyhe Lnie cown 6he Ljne cDown 6The Ljine Dcown T6he Lijne
sown ghe L9ne sDown gThe L9ine Dsown Tghe Li9ne Doown rhe Llne Dwn rThe Lline Dwon Trhe Lilne Dkwn Lone Dkown Te Dokwn Teh Lione
D9wn Tje Lkne D9own Tjhe Do9wn Thje Likne D0wn Tue L8ne D0own Tuhe L8ine Do0wn Thue Li8ne Dlwn Tne Lune Dlown Tnhe Luine Dolwn Thne Liune
Diwn Tbe Linne Diown Tbhe Lie Doiwn Thbe Lien

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