Jerry Lee Lewis
Don't Let Go

Hear that whistle, it's ten o'clock
Come on, baby, it's time to rock
I'm so happy I got you here
Keeps me grinnin' for ear to ear

Oowee, this feelin's killin' me, ah, shucks
I wouldn't stop for a million bucks
I love you, so
Just hold me tight and don't let go

Thunder, lightning, wind and rain
Love is stormin' inside my brain
I'm so eager, I'm nearly dyin'
You've been keeping your lips from mine

Oowee, this feelin's killin' me

Hound dog barkin' up side the hill
Love is draggin' him through the mill
If it wasn't for havin' you
I'd be walkin' and-a howlin' too

Oowee, this feelin's killin' me

One day, baby, you'll get me yet
I'll be cryin' and soakin' wet
One thing, baby, I'll never stand
Your lips kissin' some other man

Oowee, this feelin's killin' me

Hold me tight and don't let go
Hold me, baby, and don't let go
Hold me tight and don't let go

Mirror lyrics:

Hold me tight and don't let go
Hold me, baby, and don't let go
Hold me tight and don't let go

Oowee, this feelin's killin' me

Your lips kissin' some other man
One thing, baby, I'll never stand
I'll be cryin' and soakin' wet
One day, baby, you'll get me yet

Oowee, this feelin's killin' me

I'd be walkin' and-a howlin' too
If it wasn't for havin' you
Love is draggin' him through the mill
Hound dog barkin' up side the hill

Oowee, this feelin's killin' me

You've been keeping your lips from mine
I'm so eager, I'm nearly dyin'
Love is stormin' inside my brain
Thunder, lightning, wind and rain

Just hold me tight and don't let go
I love you, so
I wouldn't stop for a million bucks
Oowee, this feelin's killin' me, ah, shucks

Keeps me grinnin' for ear to ear
I'm so happy I got you here
Come on, baby, it's time to rock
Hear that whistle, it's ten o'clock

Relevant Tags:
DDon't LLet GGo on't et o oDn't eLt oG xon't ket ho xDon't kLet hGo Dxon't Lket Gho eon't oet yo eDon't oLet yGo Deon't Loet Gyo
fon't pet bo fDon't pLet bGo Dfon't Lpet Gbo ron't Leet vo rDon't Lt vGo Dron't Lte Gvo con't Lst fo cDon't Lset fGo Dcon't Lest Gfo
son't L3t to sDon't L3et tGo Dson't Le3t Gto Doon't Lft Goo Dn't Lfet G Dno't Left Go Dkn't Lrt Gk Dkon't Lret Gko Dokn't Lert Gok
D9n't L4t G9 D9on't L4et G9o Do9n't Le4t Go9 D0n't Ldt G0 D0on't Ldet G0o Do0n't Ledt Go0 Dln't Lwt Gl Dlon't Lwet Glo Doln't Lewt Gol
Din't Lett Gi Dion't Le Gio Doin't Let Goi Donn't Lef Do't

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