If You Were The One

lies, I've been tellin lies
but by now i should know better
not to complicate the matter
but i dont, so let me set it straight
shed the emptiness inside me
no more shadows walk beside me
as i'm movin through this life,
tryin to find a reason to get by

if you were the one I would've built my world around you
if you were the one I would've never walked away
if you were the one I could've promised you forever
cause I'd of been in love
if you were the one

stone like a sinking stone
will look shapless at a distance
fallin further from the surface
So go, cause you can't make me whole
anymore than I can fix this, in a New York city minute
All in all we tried
foolish hearts can make mistakes sometimes

if you were the one I would've built my world around you
if you were the one I would've never walked away
if you were the one I could've promised you forever
cause I'd of been in love
if you were the one

like fire to paper, once theres a spark it's as good as gone
and after the ashes have all blown away
your gonna open up your eyes and realize
it wasnt I that crossed your mind
While you were dreamin

Mirror lyrics:

While you were dreamin
it wasnt I that crossed your mind
your gonna open up your eyes and realize
and after the ashes have all blown away
like fire to paper, once theres a spark it's as good as gone

if you were the one
cause I'd of been in love
if you were the one I could've promised you forever
if you were the one I would've never walked away
if you were the one I would've built my world around you

foolish hearts can make mistakes sometimes
All in all we tried
anymore than I can fix this, in a New York city minute
So go, cause you can't make me whole
fallin further from the surface
will look shapless at a distance
stone like a sinking stone

if you were the one
cause I'd of been in love
if you were the one I could've promised you forever
if you were the one I would've never walked away
if you were the one I would've built my world around you

tryin to find a reason to get by
as i'm movin through this life,
no more shadows walk beside me
shed the emptiness inside me
but i dont, so let me set it straight
not to complicate the matter
but by now i should know better
lies, I've been tellin lies

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou WWere TThe OOne f ou ere he ne fI oYu eWre hTe nOe jf gou aere fhe kne jIf gYou aWere fThe kOne Ijf Ygou Waere Tfhe Okne
9f hou 3ere 5he 9ne 9If hYou 3Were 5The 9One I9f Yhou W3ere T5he O9ne lf 6ou dere hhe 0ne lIf 6You dWere hThe 0One Ilf Y6ou Wdere Thhe O0ne
of uou eere yhe lne oIf uYou eWere yThe lOne Iof Yuou Weere Tyhe Olne kf 7ou sere 6he ine kIf 7You sWere 6The iOne Ikf Y7ou Wsere T6he Oine
8f jou 2ere ghe Onne 8If jYou 2Were gThe Oe I8f Yjou W2ere Tghe Oen uf tou qere rhe Ome uIf tYou qWere rThe Omne Iuf Ytou Wqere Trhe Onme
Iff Yoou Ohe I Yu Wre Te Ohne If Yuo Wree Teh Onhe Ic Yku Wsre Tje Oje Icf Ykou Tjhe Ojne Ifc Yoku Wesre Thje Onje
Ir Y9u W3re Tue Obe Irf Y9ou Tuhe Obne Ifr Yo9u We3re Thue Onbe Ig Y0u Wfre Tne Onee Igf Y0ou Wfere Tnhe On Ifg Yo0u Wefre Thne One
It Ylu Wrre Tbe Ons Itf Ylou Wrere Tbhe Onse Ift Yolu Werre Thbe Ones Iv Yiu W4re Tge On3 Ivf Yiou W4ere On3e

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