Jerry Lee Lewis
Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On

Come on over baby,
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
Yes I said come on over baby,
baby you can't go wrong
We ain't fakin',
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on

Well, I said come on over baby,
we got chicken in the barn
Whoo ha Come on over baby,
we got the bull by the horns
Yeah, we ain't fakin',
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
Whose barn, what barn, my barn

Well, I said shake baby, shake
I said shake, baby shake
I said shake it baby, shake it
I said shake it baby, shake
Come on over
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on

Well, I said come on over baby,
a-whole lot-ta shakin' goin' on
I said come on over baby,
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
Well we ain't fakin',
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on

Well my mom-mom-mom,
I said shake it baby, shake it
I said shake it baby, shake it
I said shake it baby, shake all right
I said shake it baby, shake it
We ain't fakin',
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on

Mirror lyrics:

a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
We ain't fakin',
I said shake it baby, shake it
I said shake it baby, shake all right
I said shake it baby, shake it
I said shake it baby, shake it
Well my mom-mom-mom,

a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
Well we ain't fakin',
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
I said come on over baby,
a-whole lot-ta shakin' goin' on
Well, I said come on over baby,

a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
Come on over
I said shake it baby, shake
I said shake it baby, shake it
I said shake, baby shake
Well, I said shake baby, shake

Whose barn, what barn, my barn
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
Yeah, we ain't fakin',
we got the bull by the horns
Whoo ha Come on over baby,
we got chicken in the barn
Well, I said come on over baby,

a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
We ain't fakin',
baby you can't go wrong
Yes I said come on over baby,
a-whole lotta shakin' goin' on
Come on over baby,

Relevant Tags:
WWhole LLotta SShakin' GGoin' OOn hole otta hakin' oin' n hWole oLtta hSakin' oGin' nO ahole kotta zhakin' hoin' kn aWhole kLotta zShakin' hGoin' kOn
Wahole Lkotta Szhakin' Ghoin' Okn 3hole ootta whakin' yoin' 9n 3Whole oLotta wShakin' yGoin' 9On W3hole Lootta Swhakin' Gyoin' O9n dhole potta dhakin' boin' 0n
dWhole pLotta dShakin' bGoin' 0On Wdhole Lpotta Sdhakin' Gboin' O0n ehole ehakin' voin' ln eWhole Ltta eShakin' vGoin' lOn Wehole Ltota Sehakin' Gvoin' Oln
shole Lktta xhakin' foin' in sWhole xShakin' fGoin' iOn Wshole Loktta Sxhakin' Gfoin' Oin 2hole L9tta ahakin' toin' Onn 2Whole L9otta aShakin' tGoin' O
W2hole Lo9tta Sahakin' Gtoin' On qhole L0tta Shhakin' Gooin' Om qWhole L0otta Sakin' Gin' Omn Wqhole Lo0tta Sahkin' Gion' Onm Whhole Lltta Sjakin' Gkin' Oh
Wole Llotta Sjhakin' Gkoin' Ohn Wohle Loltta Shjakin' Gokin' Onh Wjole Litta Suakin' G9in' Oj Wjhole Liotta Suhakin' G9oin' Ojn Whjole Loitta Shuakin' Go9in' Onj
Wuole Lottta Snakin' G0in' Ob Wuhole Lota Snhakin' G0oin' Obn Whuole Lotta Shnakin' Go0in' Onb Wnole Lofta Sbakin' Glin' Wnhole Loftta Sbhakin' Gloin'
Whnole Lotfta Shbakin' Golin' Wbole Lo5ta Sgakin' Giin' Wbhole Lo5tta Sghakin' Gioin' Whbole Lot5ta Shgakin' Goiin' Wgole Lohta Syakin'
Wghole Lohtta Syhakin' Gon' Whgole Lothta Shyakin' Goni' Wyole Loyta Shaakin' Gojn' Wyhole Loytta Shkin' Gojin' Whyole Lotyta Shkain' Goijn'
Whoole Lo6ta Shzkin' Go9n' Whle Lo6tta Shzakin' Whloe Lot6ta Shazkin' Goi9n' Whkle Logta Shqkin' Goln' Whkole Logtta Shqakin'
Whokle Lotgta Shaqkin' Goiln' Wh9le Lorta Shskin' Goon' Wh9ole Lortta Shsakin' Who9le Lotrta Shaskin' Goion' Wh0le Shwkin' Gokn'
Wh0ole Shwakin' Who0le Lotat Shawkin' Goikn'

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