Jerry Lee Lewis
Memphis Tennessee

Long distance information
give me Memphis Tennessee.
Help me find the party
tryin' to get in touch with me.
She could not leave a number

but I know who placed the call.
But my uncle took the message
and he wrote it on the wall!

Help me information
get in touch with my Marie.
She's the only one who'd phone me here
from Memphis Tennessee
Her home is on the Southside

high upon the ridge

just a half from a mile
from the Mississippi bridge.

Help me information
more than that I cannot add.
Only that I miss her
and all the fun we have.
But we were pulled apart
'Cause her mom did not agree
Tore apart our happy home
in Memph. Tenn.

Last time I saw Marie

she's waving me good-bye.
With hurry homedrops on her cheek
that trickles from her eyes.
Marie is only six years old
information please!
try to put me through to her
in Memphis Tenn.

Mirror lyrics:

in Memphis Tenn.
try to put me through to her
information please!
Marie is only six years old
that trickles from her eyes.
With hurry homedrops on her cheek
she's waving me good-bye.

Last time I saw Marie

in Memph. Tenn.
Tore apart our happy home
'Cause her mom did not agree
But we were pulled apart
and all the fun we have.
Only that I miss her
more than that I cannot add.
Help me information

from the Mississippi bridge.
just a half from a mile

high upon the ridge

Her home is on the Southside
from Memphis Tennessee
She's the only one who'd phone me here
get in touch with my Marie.
Help me information

and he wrote it on the wall!
But my uncle took the message
but I know who placed the call.

She could not leave a number
tryin' to get in touch with me.
Help me find the party
give me Memphis Tennessee.
Long distance information

Relevant Tags:
MMemphis TTennessee emphis ennessee eMmphis eTnnessee jemphis fennessee jMemphis fTennessee Mjemphis Tfennessee
kemphis 5ennessee kMemphis 5Tennessee Mkemphis T5ennessee nemphis hennessee nMemphis hTennessee Mnemphis Thennessee
Meemphis yennessee Mmphis yTennessee Mmephis Tyennessee Msmphis 6ennessee Msemphis 6Tennessee Mesmphis T6ennessee
M3mphis gennessee M3emphis gTennessee Me3mphis Tgennessee Mfmphis rennessee Mfemphis rTennessee Mefmphis Trennessee
Mrmphis Teennessee Mremphis Tnnessee Mermphis Tnenessee M4mphis Tsnnessee M4emphis Tsennessee Me4mphis Tesnnessee
Mdmphis T3nnessee Mdemphis T3ennessee Medmphis Te3nnessee Mwmphis Tfnnessee Mwemphis Mewmphis Tefnnessee
Memmphis Trnnessee Mephis Mepmhis Ternnessee Mejphis T4nnessee Mejmphis T4ennessee Memjphis Te4nnessee
Mekphis Tdnnessee Mekmphis Tdennessee Memkphis Tednnessee Menphis Twnnessee Menmphis Twennessee Memnphis Tewnnessee
Mempphis Tennnessee Memhis Tenessee Memhpis Tennessee Mem0his Temnessee Mem0phis Temnnessee Memp0his Tenmnessee
Memlhis Tehnessee Memlphis Tehnnessee Memplhis Tenhnessee Memohis Tejnessee Memophis Tejnnessee Mempohis Tenjnessee
Memphhis Tebnessee Mempis Tebnnessee Mempihs Tenbnessee Mempjis Mempjhis Memphjis Tenenssee
Mempuis Tenmessee Mempuhis Memphuis Tennmessee Mempnis Tenhessee Mempnhis Memphnis Tennhessee
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