Jane Siberry
Quoi, Ma Voisine, Es Tu Fachã¼æ’ã¢â©e

Neighbor, what has you so excited? Do tell me please

Haven't you heard a child is born that all want to see?

Son of a pure and modest virgin, Mary's her name

They say, her baby is the savior prophets proclaim

I would be pleased to go with you so likely I'll go

But can we take our time to see him? Shop on the road?

Have you some cake to take the infant? Sugar-plums, too?

I'm sure that Mary's house is lovely, tidy and new

I am afraid that you're mistaken, wrong as can be

This blessed maiden has no splendid rich place to stay

For she lies within a wretched stable, dirty and poor

There is no table for your presents, only the floor

Surely she has a warm soft cradle there for the child

One has to rock and calm an infant so weak and so mild

What sort of guards and servants has she to give her aid?

Cannot the heavenly father's power help the poor maid?

All they could think to find for a cradle, a manger bed

Bundle of dusty, dry straw to pillow his head

Joseph, her husband, he cares for Mary best as he can

In place of servant, ox and donkey are looking on

Traveling tires me and this journey seems a long way

Only to see a new-born baby lying on hay

Maybe you shepherds find excitement in this affair

But I am used to things much better in which to share

You must not talk that way, my neighbor, mark what I say

Upon my honor, this is our savior born on this day

It is his choice to come so humbly there in a stall

Granting his power and grace so gently to one and all

O blessed mother, free us all from arrogant pride

May we, when life on earth is ended,hasten to your side

Daring to hope you will present us to your dear son

And that we'll gain the bliss and joy of paradise won

Mirror lyrics:

And that we'll gain the bliss and joy of paradise won

Daring to hope you will present us to your dear son

May we, when life on earth is ended,hasten to your side

O blessed mother, free us all from arrogant pride

Granting his power and grace so gently to one and all

It is his choice to come so humbly there in a stall

Upon my honor, this is our savior born on this day

You must not talk that way, my neighbor, mark what I say

But I am used to things much better in which to share

Maybe you shepherds find excitement in this affair

Only to see a new-born baby lying on hay

Traveling tires me and this journey seems a long way

In place of servant, ox and donkey are looking on

Joseph, her husband, he cares for Mary best as he can

Bundle of dusty, dry straw to pillow his head

All they could think to find for a cradle, a manger bed

Cannot the heavenly father's power help the poor maid?

What sort of guards and servants has she to give her aid?

One has to rock and calm an infant so weak and so mild

Surely she has a warm soft cradle there for the child

There is no table for your presents, only the floor

For she lies within a wretched stable, dirty and poor

This blessed maiden has no splendid rich place to stay

I am afraid that you're mistaken, wrong as can be

I'm sure that Mary's house is lovely, tidy and new

Have you some cake to take the infant? Sugar-plums, too?

But can we take our time to see him? Shop on the road?

I would be pleased to go with you so likely I'll go

They say, her baby is the savior prophets proclaim

Son of a pure and modest virgin, Mary's her name

Haven't you heard a child is born that all want to see?

Neighbor, what has you so excited? Do tell me please

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QQuoi, MMa VVoisine, EEs TTu FFachã¼æ’ã¢â©e uoi, a oisine, s u achã¼æ’ã¢â©e uQoi, aM oVisine, sE uT aFchã¼æ’ã¢â©e
auoi, ja boisine, ss fu cachã¼æ’ã¢â©e aQuoi, jMa bVoisine, sEs fTu cFachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qauoi, Mja Vboisine, Ess Tfu Fcachã¼æ’ã¢â©e
2uoi, ka coisine, 3s 5u rachã¼æ’ã¢â©e 2Quoi, kMa cVoisine, 3Es 5Tu rFachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Q2uoi, Mka Vcoisine, E3s T5u Frachã¼æ’ã¢â©e
wuoi, na goisine, fs hu gachã¼æ’ã¢â©e wQuoi, nMa gVoisine, fEs hTu gFachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qwuoi, Mna Vgoisine, Efs Thu Fgachã¼æ’ã¢â©e
suoi, Maa foisine, rs yu tachã¼æ’ã¢â©e sQuoi, M fVoisine, rEs yTu tFachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qsuoi, Ma Vfoisine, Ers Tyu Ftachã¼æ’ã¢â©e
1uoi, Mz Vooisine, 4s 6u vachã¼æ’ã¢â©e 1Quoi, Mza Visine, 4Es 6Tu vFachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Q1uoi, Maz Viosine, E4s T6u Fvachã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Quuoi, Mq Vkisine, ds gu dachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qoi, Mqa Vkoisine, dEs gTu dFachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qoui, Maq Vokisine, Eds Tgu Fdachã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Qhoi, Ms V9isine, ws ru Faachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qhuoi, Msa V9oisine, wEs rTu Fchã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quhoi, Mas Vo9isine, Ews Tru Fcahã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Q7oi, Mw V0isine, Tuu Fzchã¼æ’ã¢â©e Q7uoi, Mwa V0oisine, E T Fzachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qu7oi, Maw Vo0isine, Es Tu Fazchã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Qkoi, Mx Vlisine, Ez Th Fqchã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qkuoi, Mxa Vloisine, Ezs Fqachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qukoi, Max Volisine, Esz Tuh Faqchã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Qioi, Viisine, Ew T7 Fschã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qiuoi, Vioisine, T7u Fsachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quioi, Voiisine, Esw Tu7 Faschã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Q8oi, Ed Tk Fwchã¼æ’ã¢â©e Q8uoi, Vosine, Tku Fwachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qu8oi, Vosiine, Esd Tuk Fawchã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Qjoi, Vojsine, Ee Ti Fxchã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qjuoi, Vojisine, Ees Tiu Fxachã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qujoi, Voijsine, Ese Tui Faxchã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Qyoi, Vo9sine, Ex T8 Facchã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qyuoi, Exs T8u Fahã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quyoi, Voi9sine, Esx Tu8 Fahcã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Quooi, Volsine, Ea Tj Fafhã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qui, Eas Tju Fafchã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quio, Voilsine, Esa Tuj Facfhã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Quki, Voosine, Ty Faxhã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quoki, Voiosine, Tuy Facxhã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qu9i, Voksine, Favhã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Qu9oi, Favchã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quo9i, Voiksine, Facvhã¼æ’ã¢â©e Qu0i, Vo8sine, Fadhã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Qu0oi, Vo8isine, Fadchã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quo0i, Voi8sine, Facdhã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quli, Vousine, Fachhã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Quloi, Vouisine, Facã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quoli, Voiusine, Facãh¼æ’ã¢â©e Quii, Voissine, Facjã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Voiine, Facjhã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quoii, Voiisne, Fachjã¼æ’ã¢â©e Voizine, Facuã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Quo, Voizsine, Facuhã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quo,i Voiszine, Fachuã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quoj, Voiwine, Facnã¼æ’ã¢â©e
Quoji, Voiwsine, Facnhã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quoij, Voiswine, Fachnã¼æ’ã¢â©e Quo9, Voidine, Facbã¼æ’ã¢â©e
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