Jane Siberry
All The Candles In The World

And how many of us will there be?
More than we are now
And where will we come from?
The rivers, the oceans
The ends of the darkest inlets
The lightest-coloured seas.

Would not
Would not be enough
Would not be enough to match the fever in my soul.
And the fervor in my heart
And the darkness that I feel
As I'm goin', goin', goin', goin', goin', goin' down.

And how many of us?
And how many of us will there be?

All the candles in the world
Would not be enough to match the burning in my soul.
And the fever in my heart
Count the places of devotion
Count the altars of despair
As we're goin', goin', goin', goin', goin', goin', down.

And how many of us will there be?
And how many of us?

All the candles in the world would not be enough
To match the burning in our souls
And the fever in our hearts
And the fervor in our eyes
As we're hoping and we're praying
And we're setting out into the streets
The back streets of the world
And a prayer going up
And a prayer going down
And the darkened eaves the pigeons
And the candlelight processions
On the streets down below
As we're searching and we're seeking
And we're goin', goin'
"Forgive us Lord."
We're goin', goin' down.

Goin'... down...
On our knees.



Mirror lyrics:



On our knees.
Goin'... down...

We're goin', goin' down.
"Forgive us Lord."
And we're goin', goin'
As we're searching and we're seeking
On the streets down below
And the candlelight processions
And the darkened eaves the pigeons
And a prayer going down
And a prayer going up
The back streets of the world
And we're setting out into the streets
As we're hoping and we're praying
And the fervor in our eyes
And the fever in our hearts
To match the burning in our souls
All the candles in the world would not be enough

And how many of us?
And how many of us will there be?

As we're goin', goin', goin', goin', goin', goin', down.
Count the altars of despair
Count the places of devotion
And the fever in my heart
Would not be enough to match the burning in my soul.
All the candles in the world

And how many of us will there be?
And how many of us?

As I'm goin', goin', goin', goin', goin', goin' down.
And the darkness that I feel
And the fervor in my heart
Would not be enough to match the fever in my soul.
Would not be enough
Would not

The lightest-coloured seas.
The ends of the darkest inlets
The rivers, the oceans
And where will we come from?
More than we are now
And how many of us will there be?

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AAll TThe CCandles IIn TThe WWorld ll he andles n he orld lAl hTe aCndles nI hTe oWrld zll fhe fandles jn fhe aorld zAll fThe fCandles jIn fThe aWorld
Azll Tfhe Cfandles Ijn Tfhe Waorld qll 5he xandles 9n 5he 3orld qAll 5The xCandles 9In 5The 3World Aqll T5he Cxandles I9n T5he W3orld sll hhe vandles ln hhe dorld
sAll hThe vCandles lIn hThe dWorld Asll Thhe Cvandles Iln Thhe Wdorld wll yhe dandles on yhe eorld wAll yThe dCandles oIn yThe eWorld Awll Tyhe Cdandles Ion Tyhe Weorld
xll 6he Caandles kn 6he sorld xAll 6The Cndles kIn 6The sWorld Axll T6he Cnadles Ikn T6he Wsorld Alll ghe Czndles 8n ghe 2orld Al gThe Czandles 8In gThe 2World
All Tghe Cazndles I8n Tghe W2orld Akl rhe Cqndles un rhe qorld Akll rThe Cqandles uIn rThe qWorld Alkl Trhe Caqndles Iun Trhe Wqorld Aol Csndles Inn Woorld
Aoll Te Csandles I Te Wrld Alol Teh Casndles In Teh Wrold Apl Tje Cwndles Im Tje Wkrld Apll Tjhe Cwandles Imn Tjhe Wkorld Alpl Thje Cawndles Inm Thje Wokrld
Tue Cxndles Ih Tue W9rld Tuhe Ihn Tuhe W9orld Thue Caxndles Inh Thue Wo9rld Alk Tne Canndles Ij Tne W0rld Tnhe Cadles Tnhe W0orld
Allk Thne Cadnles Inj Thne Wo0rld Alo Tbe Camdles Ib Tbe Wlrld Tbhe Camndles Ibn Tbhe Wlorld Allo Thbe Canmdles Inb Thbe Wolrld Alp Tge Cahdles Tge Wirld
Cahndles Wiorld Allp Thge Canhdles Thge Woirld Tye Cajdles Tye Worrld Cajndles Wold Thye Canjdles Thye Wolrd
Thee Cabdles Thee Wodld Th Cabndles Th Wodrld The Canbdles The Wordld Ths Canddles Ths Wo4ld Thse Canles Thse Wo4rld
Thes Canldes Thes Wor4ld Th3 Canxles Th3 Wogld Th3e Canxdles Th3e Wogrld The3 Candxles The3 Worgld Thf Caneles Thf Wotld
Thfe Canedles Thfe Wotrld Thef Candeles Thef Wortld Thr Canfles Thr Wo5ld Thre Canfdles Thre Wo5rld Ther Candfles Ther Wor5ld
Th4 Canrles Th4 Wofld

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