Jan Howard
Time Out

(Harlan Howard - Richard Johnson)

Let's take time out to get aquainted again
We're man and wife we might as well be friends
You don't kiss me like you used to kiss me
Sometimes I take that there must be somebody new.

And when I come home at night you act like you didn't even miss me
Lately honey, I've even had my doubts about you
We used to face the world and life together
We used to talk of our ambitions and our dreams
But lately we've been takin' our love for granted
We have time for everything except each other it seems.

Let's take time out to get aquainted again
We're man and wife we might as well be friends
You don't kiss me like you used to kiss me
Sometimes I take that there must be somebody new.

--- Instrumental ---

Let's go away and spend some time together
And see if that old spark of love's still burning bright
I want us to be close you know like we used to be
And not just two ships that pass each other in the night.

Let's take time out to get aquainted again
We're man and wife we might as well be friends
You don't kiss me like you used to kiss me
Sometimes I take that there must be somebody new...

Mirror lyrics:

Sometimes I take that there must be somebody new...
You don't kiss me like you used to kiss me
We're man and wife we might as well be friends
Let's take time out to get aquainted again

And not just two ships that pass each other in the night.
I want us to be close you know like we used to be
And see if that old spark of love's still burning bright
Let's go away and spend some time together

--- Instrumental ---

Sometimes I take that there must be somebody new.
You don't kiss me like you used to kiss me
We're man and wife we might as well be friends
Let's take time out to get aquainted again

We have time for everything except each other it seems.
But lately we've been takin' our love for granted
We used to talk of our ambitions and our dreams
We used to face the world and life together
Lately honey, I've even had my doubts about you
And when I come home at night you act like you didn't even miss me

Sometimes I take that there must be somebody new.
You don't kiss me like you used to kiss me
We're man and wife we might as well be friends
Let's take time out to get aquainted again

(Harlan Howard - Richard Johnson)

Relevant Tags:
TTime OOut ime ut iTme uOt fime kut fTime kOut Tfime Okut 5ime 9ut 5Time 9Out T5ime O9ut hime 0ut hTime 0Out
Thime O0ut yime lut yTime lOut Tyime Olut 6ime iut 6Time iOut T6ime Oiut gime Ouut gTime Ot Tgime Otu rime Oht
rTime Ohut Trime Ouht Tiime O7t Tme O7ut Tmie Ou7t Tjme Okt Tjime Tijme Oukt T9me Oit T9ime Ti9me Ouit
Tlme O8t Tlime O8ut Tilme Ou8t Tome Ojt Toime Ojut Tiome Oujt Tkme Oyt Tkime Oyut

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