Jami Smith
Glory And Joy

Father let your will be done
God speak it through your son
Holy spirit make it breathe
Breathe your life into me

It is for freedom that you have set us free
And it is in freedom we sing

You are our hope and glory
Lover of the unworthy
Giving joy to this desperate heart in me

Thank you abba father
We are your sons and daughters
Rejoicing in you forever
You are our glory and joy

In you all things are made new
Old lies cast away for truth
The lame can walk the blind can see
Breathe your life into me

Mirror lyrics:

Breathe your life into me
The lame can walk the blind can see
Old lies cast away for truth
In you all things are made new

You are our glory and joy
Rejoicing in you forever
We are your sons and daughters
Thank you abba father

Giving joy to this desperate heart in me
Lover of the unworthy
You are our hope and glory

And it is in freedom we sing
It is for freedom that you have set us free

Breathe your life into me
Holy spirit make it breathe
God speak it through your son
Father let your will be done

Relevant Tags:
GGlory AAnd JJoy lory nd oy lGory nAd oJy hlory znd koy hGlory zAnd kJoy Ghlory Aznd Jkoy ylory qnd ioy yGlory qAnd iJoy Gylory Aqnd Jioy
blory snd moy bGlory sAnd mJoy Gblory Asnd Jmoy vlory wnd noy vGlory wAnd nJoy Gvlory Awnd Jnoy flory xnd hoy fGlory xAnd hJoy Gflory Axnd Jhoy
tlory Annd uoy tGlory Ad uJoy Gtlory Adn Juoy Gllory Amd Jooy Gory Amnd Jy Golry Anmd Jyo Gkory Ahd Jky Gklory Ahnd Glkory Anhd Joky
Goory Ajd J9y Golory Ajnd J9oy Gloory Anjd Jo9y Gpory Abd J0y Gplory Abnd J0oy Glpory Anbd Jo0y Andd Jly Glry An Jloy Glroy And Joly
Glkry Anx Jiy Anxd Glokry Andx Joiy Gl9ry Ane Joyy Gl9ory Aned Jo Glo9ry Ande Joy Gl0ry Anf Jog Gl0ory Anfd Jogy Glo0ry Andf Joyg
Gllry Anr Joh Anrd Johy

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