Jamie T
The Curious Sound

Falling through the floor again
And never coming back
Hear ya scream and shout again
And nothing comes around

It's all fithy now???
Yo' say you're checking out
(Run away together for whatever for however be forever
we so loose the key to keep up shot down)

Well its worse so its for better new york city sever tethers
That was strong enough to hold us up in our home town
Hit the ground with the siren sound
The news reporter said there were ten shells they found

She said that if you hold it to your ear our loud
You'll hear it was the police that shot him down

Sour troubadour's say she never coming back
Sound of shells hits the floor gone ever more

You're calling on the road again you say you're checking out
You're running down the road again away from the fall out

Sour troubadour's say she never coming back
Sound of shells hits the floor gone ever more
You're calling on the road again you say you're checking out
You're running down the road again away from the fall ou

Mirror lyrics:

You're running down the road again away from the fall ou
You're calling on the road again you say you're checking out
Sound of shells hits the floor gone ever more
Sour troubadour's say she never coming back

You're running down the road again away from the fall out
You're calling on the road again you say you're checking out

Sound of shells hits the floor gone ever more
Sour troubadour's say she never coming back

You'll hear it was the police that shot him down
She said that if you hold it to your ear our loud

The news reporter said there were ten shells they found
Hit the ground with the siren sound
That was strong enough to hold us up in our home town
Well its worse so its for better new york city sever tethers

we so loose the key to keep up shot down)
(Run away together for whatever for however be forever
Yo' say you're checking out
It's all fithy now???

And nothing comes around
Hear ya scream and shout again
And never coming back
Falling through the floor again

Relevant Tags:
TThe CCurious SSound he urious ound hTe uCrious oSund fhe furious zound fThe fCurious zSound Tfhe Cfurious Szound
5he xurious wound 5The xCurious wSound T5he Cxurious Swound hhe vurious dound hThe vCurious dSound Thhe Cvurious Sdound
yhe durious eound yThe dCurious eSound Tyhe Cdurious Seound 6he Cuurious xound 6The Crious xSound T6he Cruious Sxound
ghe Chrious aound gThe Churious aSound Tghe Cuhrious Saound rhe C7rious Soound rThe C7urious Sund Trhe Cu7rious Suond
Ckrious Skund Te Ckurious Skound Teh Cukrious Sokund Tje Cirious S9und Tjhe Ciurious S9ound Thje Cuirious So9und
Tue C8rious S0und Tuhe C8urious S0ound Thue Cu8rious So0und Tne Cjrious Slund Tnhe Cjurious Slound Thne Cujrious Solund
Tbe Cyrious Siund Tbhe Cyurious Siound Thbe Cuyrious Soiund Tge Currious Souund Cuious Sond Thge Cuirous Sonud
Tye Cudious Sohnd Cudrious Sohund Thye Curdious Souhnd Thee Cu4ious So7nd Th Cu4rious So7und The Cur4ious Sou7nd
Ths Cugious Soknd Thse Cugrious Thes Curgious Souknd Th3 Cutious Soind Th3e Cutrious The3 Curtious Souind
Thf Cu5ious So8nd Thfe Cu5rious So8und Thef Cur5ious Sou8nd Thr Cufious Sojnd Thre Cufrious Sojund Ther Curfious Soujnd
Th4 Cueious Soynd Th4e Cuerious Soyund The4 Cureious Souynd Thd Curiious Sounnd Thde Curous Soud Thed Curoius Soudn
Thw Curjous Soumd Thwe Curjious Soumnd Thew Curijous Sounmd Cur9ous Souhd Cur9ious Curi9ous Sounhd

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