Jamie O'neal
The Only Thing Wrong

A family that loves me
More friends then i can count
Got that job i always wanted
Nothing to complain about
I know i've got so much going
Still i've got so much gone
The only thing wrong in my life
Are the arms that don't hold me
Through the long lonely nights
The only thing wrong in my life
Is you're not in it baby
I ought to simply move on
And shrug off your goodbye
But it's hard to see the future
Through these tears in my eyes
The sun never shined so brightly
But one cloud blocks out the light
My world was close to prefection
'til the day you said goodbye
The only thing wrong
Is your're not in it baby
Your're not in it baby

Mirror lyrics:

Your're not in it baby
Is your're not in it baby
The only thing wrong
'til the day you said goodbye
My world was close to prefection
But one cloud blocks out the light
The sun never shined so brightly
Through these tears in my eyes
But it's hard to see the future
And shrug off your goodbye
I ought to simply move on
Is you're not in it baby
The only thing wrong in my life
Through the long lonely nights
Are the arms that don't hold me
The only thing wrong in my life
Still i've got so much gone
I know i've got so much going
Nothing to complain about
Got that job i always wanted
More friends then i can count
A family that loves me

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOnly TThing WWrong he nly hing rong hTe nOly hTing rWong fhe knly fhing arong fThe kOnly fThing aWrong Tfhe Oknly Tfhing Warong
5he 9nly 5hing 3rong 5The 9Only 5Thing 3Wrong T5he O9nly T5hing W3rong hhe 0nly hhing drong hThe 0Only hThing dWrong Thhe O0nly Thhing Wdrong
yhe lnly yhing erong yThe lOnly yThing eWrong Tyhe Olnly Tyhing Werong 6he inly 6hing srong 6The iOnly 6Thing sWrong T6he Oinly T6hing Wsrong
ghe Onnly ghing 2rong gThe Oly gThing 2Wrong Tghe Olny Tghing W2rong rhe Omly rhing qrong rThe Omnly rThing qWrong Trhe Onmly Trhing Wqrong
Ohly Wrrong Te Ohnly Ting Wong Teh Onhly Tihng Worng Tje Ojly Tjing Wdong Tjhe Ojnly Tjhing Thje Onjly Thjing Wrdong
Tue Obly Tuing W4ong Tuhe Obnly Tuhing W4rong Thue Onbly Thuing Wr4ong Tne Onlly Tning Wgong Tnhe Ony Tnhing Wgrong Thne Onyl Thning Wrgong
Tbe Onky Tbing Wtong Tbhe Onkly Tbhing Wtrong Thbe Onlky Thbing Wrtong Tge Onoy Tging W5ong Onoly W5rong Thge Onloy Thging Wr5ong
Tye Onpy Tying Wfong Onply Wfrong Thye Onlpy Thying Wrfong Thee Onlyy Thiing Weong Th Onl Thng The Only Thnig Wreong
Ths Onlg Thjng Wroong

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