Jamie Cullum
You're Nobody 'till Somebody Loves You

You're nobody till somebody loves you
You're nobody till somebody cares

You may be king
You may posses the world and its gold
But gold wont bring you happiness when you're growing old

The world is the same
You'll never change it
As sure as the sun shines above you

You're nobody till somebody loves you
So find yourself somebody to love

You're nobody till somebody loves you
You're nobody till somebody cares

You may be king
You may posses the world and its gold
But gold wont bring you happiness when you're growing old

The world is the same
You'll never change
As sure as the sun shines above you

You're nobody till somebody loves you
So find yourself somebody
You don't need just anybody
Find yourself somebody to love

Mirror lyrics:

Find yourself somebody to love
You don't need just anybody
So find yourself somebody
You're nobody till somebody loves you

As sure as the sun shines above you
You'll never change
The world is the same

But gold wont bring you happiness when you're growing old
You may posses the world and its gold
You may be king

You're nobody till somebody cares
You're nobody till somebody loves you

So find yourself somebody to love
You're nobody till somebody loves you

As sure as the sun shines above you
You'll never change it
The world is the same

But gold wont bring you happiness when you're growing old
You may posses the world and its gold
You may be king

You're nobody till somebody cares
You're nobody till somebody loves you

Relevant Tags:
YYou're NNobody ''till SSomebody LLoves YYou ou're obody till omebody oves ou oYu're oNbody t'ill oSmebody oLves oYu
gou're mobody 'ttill zomebody koves gou gYou're mNobody 'ill zSomebody kLoves gYou Ygou're Nmobody 'itll Szomebody Lkoves Ygou
hou're hobody 'fill womebody ooves hou hYou're hNobody 'ftill wSomebody oLoves hYou Yhou're Nhobody 'tfill Swomebody Looves Yhou
6ou're jobody '5ill domebody poves 6ou 6You're jNobody '5till dSomebody pLoves 6You Y6ou're Njobody 't5ill Sdomebody Lpoves Y6ou
uou're bobody 'hill eomebody uou uYou're bNobody 'htill eSomebody Lves uYou Yuou're Nbobody 'thill Seomebody Lvoes Yuou
7ou're Noobody 'yill xomebody Lkves 7ou 7You're Nbody 'ytill xSomebody 7You Y7ou're Nboody 'tyill Sxomebody Lokves Y7ou
jou're Nkbody '6ill aomebody L9ves jou jYou're Nkobody '6till aSomebody L9oves jYou Yjou're Nokbody 't6ill Saomebody Lo9ves Yjou
tou're N9body 'gill Soomebody L0ves tou tYou're N9obody 'gtill Smebody L0oves tYou Ytou're No9body 'tgill Smoebody Lo0ves Ytou
Yoou're N0body 'rill Skmebody Llves Yoou Yu're N0obody 'rtill Skomebody Lloves Yu Yuo're No0body 'trill Sokmebody Lolves Yuo
Yku're Nlbody 'tiill S9mebody Lives Yku Ykou're Nlobody 'tll S9omebody Lioves Ykou Yoku're Nolbody 'tlil So9mebody Loives Yoku
Y9u're Nibody 'tjll S0mebody Lovves Y9u Y9ou're Niobody 'tjill S0omebody Loes Y9ou Yo9u're Noibody 'tijll So0mebody Loevs Yo9u
Y0u're Nobbody 't9ll Slmebody Lobes Y0u Y0ou're Noody 't9ill Slomebody Lobves Y0ou Yo0u're Noobdy 'ti9ll Solmebody Lovbes Yo0u
Ylu're Novody 'tlll Simebody Loces Ylu Ylou're Novbody 'tlill Siomebody Locves Ylou Yolu're Nobvody 'tilll Soimebody Lovces Yolu
Yiu're Nogody 'toll Sommebody Loges Yiu Yiou're Nogbody 'toill Soebody Logves Yiou Yoiu're Nobgody 'tioll Soembody Lovges Yoiu
Youu're Nonody 'tkll Sojebody Lofes Youu Yo're Nonbody 'tkill Sojmebody Lofves Yo Yo'ure Nobnody 'tikll Somjebody Lovfes You
Yoh're Nohody 't8ll Sokebody Lovees Yoh Yohu're Nohbody 't8ill Lovs Yohu Youh're Nobhody 'ti8ll Somkebody Lovse Youh
Yo7're Noboody 'tull Sonebody Lovss Yo7 Yo7u're Nobdy 'tuill Sonmebody Lovses Yo7u You7're Nobdoy 'tiull Somnebody Lovess You7
Yok're Nobkdy Someebody Lov3s Yok Nobkody 'til Sombody Lov3es Youk're Nobokdy 'till Sombeody Love3s Youk
Yoi're Nob9dy 'tikl Somsbody Lovfs Yoi Nob9ody Somsebody Youi're Nobo9dy 'tilkl Somesbody Lovefs Youi
Yo8're Nob0dy 'tiol Som3body Lovrs Yo8 Yo8u're Nob0ody Som3ebody Lovres Yo8u You8're Nobo0dy 'tilol Some3body Lovers You8
Yoj're Nobldy 'tipl Somfbody Lov4s Yoj Yoju're Noblody 'tipll Somfebody Lov4es Yoju Youj're Noboldy 'tilpl Somefbody Love4s Youj
Yoy're Nobidy Somrbody Lovds Yoy Yoyu're Nobiody Somrebody Lovdes Yoyu Youy're Noboidy Somerbody Loveds Youy
You''re Noboddy 'tilk Som4body Lovws Youre Noboy Som4ebody Lovwes Your'e Noboyd 'tillk Some4body Lovews
You'rre Noboxy 'tilo Somdbody You'e Noboxdy Somdebody Love You'er Nobodxy 'tillo Somedbody Loves
You'de Noboey 'tilp Somwbody Lovez You'dre Noboedy Somwebody Lovezs You'rde Nobodey 'tillp Somewbody Lovesz
You'4e Nobofy Somebbody Lovew

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