Jamie Cullum

After years of expensive education
a car full of books, and anticipation
I'm an expert on Shakespeare, and that's a hell of a lot
but the world don't need scholors as much as I thought

Maybe I'll go travelling for a year,
finding myself, or start a career
i could work with the poor, though I'm hungry for fame
we all seem so different, but we're just the same

Maybe I'll go to the gym, so I don't get fat
all things are easy, with a tight six-pack
who knows the answers, who do you trust
I can't even separate love from lust

Maybe I'll move back home, and pay off my loans,
working nine to five, answering phones
don't make me live for my friday nights,
drinking eight pints and getting in fights

I don't want to get up, just let me lie in
leave me alone, I'm a twentysomething

Maybe I'll just fall in love, that could solve it all,
philosophers say that that's enough
there surely must be more, ooh

Love aint the answer, nor is work,
the truth deludes me, so much it hurts,
but I'm still having fun and I guess that the key,
I'm a twentysomething and I'll keep bein' me

I'm a twentysomething, let me lie in,
leave me alone, I'm a twentysomething

Mirror lyrics:

leave me alone, I'm a twentysomething
I'm a twentysomething, let me lie in,

I'm a twentysomething and I'll keep bein' me
but I'm still having fun and I guess that the key,
the truth deludes me, so much it hurts,
Love aint the answer, nor is work,

there surely must be more, ooh
philosophers say that that's enough
Maybe I'll just fall in love, that could solve it all,

leave me alone, I'm a twentysomething
I don't want to get up, just let me lie in

drinking eight pints and getting in fights
don't make me live for my friday nights,
working nine to five, answering phones
Maybe I'll move back home, and pay off my loans,

I can't even separate love from lust
who knows the answers, who do you trust
all things are easy, with a tight six-pack
Maybe I'll go to the gym, so I don't get fat

we all seem so different, but we're just the same
i could work with the poor, though I'm hungry for fame
finding myself, or start a career
Maybe I'll go travelling for a year,

but the world don't need scholors as much as I thought
I'm an expert on Shakespeare, and that's a hell of a lot
a car full of books, and anticipation
After years of expensive education

Relevant Tags:
TTwentysomething wentysomething wTentysomething fwentysomething fTwentysomething Tfwentysomething 5wentysomething
5Twentysomething T5wentysomething hwentysomething hTwentysomething Thwentysomething ywentysomething yTwentysomething
Tywentysomething 6wentysomething 6Twentysomething T6wentysomething gwentysomething gTwentysomething Tgwentysomething
rwentysomething rTwentysomething Trwentysomething Twwentysomething Tentysomething Tewntysomething Taentysomething
Tawentysomething Twaentysomething T3entysomething T3wentysomething Tw3entysomething Tdentysomething Tdwentysomething
Twdentysomething Teentysomething Tewentysomething Tweentysomething Tsentysomething Tswentysomething Twsentysomething
T2entysomething T2wentysomething Tw2entysomething Tqentysomething Tqwentysomething Twqentysomething Twntysomething
Twnetysomething Twsntysomething Twesntysomething Tw3ntysomething Twe3ntysomething Twfntysomething Twfentysomething
Twefntysomething Twrntysomething Twrentysomething Twerntysomething Tw4ntysomething Tw4entysomething Twe4ntysomething
Twdntysomething Twedntysomething Twwntysomething Twewntysomething Twenntysomething Twetysomething Twetnysomething
Twemtysomething Twemntysomething Twenmtysomething Twehtysomething Twehntysomething Twenhtysomething Twejtysomething
Twejntysomething Twenjtysomething Twebtysomething Twebntysomething Twenbtysomething Twenttysomething Twenysomething
Twenytsomething Twenfysomething Twenftysomething Twentfysomething Twen5ysomething Twen5tysomething Twent5ysomething
Twenhysomething Twenthysomething Twenyysomething Twenytysomething Twentyysomething Twen6ysomething Twen6tysomething
Twent6ysomething Twengysomething Twengtysomething Twentgysomething Twenrysomething Twenrtysomething Twentrysomething
Twentsomething Twentsyomething Twentgsomething Twentygsomething Twenthsomething Twentyhsomething Twent6something
Twenty6something Twentusomething Twentuysomething Twentyusomething Twent7something Twent7ysomething Twenty7something
Twentjsomething Twentjysomething Twentyjsomething Twenttsomething Twentytsomething Twentyssomething Twentyomething
Twentyosmething Twentyzomething Twentyzsomething Twentyszomething Twentywomething Twentywsomething Twentyswomething
Twentydomething Twentydsomething Twentysdomething

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