Jasmine Guy
Four Short Words

goodbyes to me are not sad
losing the one u love yes always 2 me
four short words in one sentence said
in one day goodbye to me are not sad
losing the one u love yes always 2 me
never lose your mind always keep in mind
that you strong inderpendent individual

four short words i said in one sentence
four short words said in the morning
goodbyes to me are nothing
praying is always something
wanna keep the faith the trust
wanna keep the strength
wanna know four short wordsss
wanna lose the beautiful madness

drawing in mind a picture of us
together can't do it with my two hands
only want you always in my heart
forever four short words said in one go
four short words that will last
four short words
never knowen
only me n u

four short worwds i said in one sentence
drawing us together in mind...
tell me four short wordss

Mirror lyrics:

tell me four short wordss
drawing us together in mind...
four short worwds i said in one sentence

only me n u
never knowen
four short words
four short words that will last
forever four short words said in one go
only want you always in my heart
together can't do it with my two hands
drawing in mind a picture of us

wanna lose the beautiful madness
wanna know four short wordsss
wanna keep the strength
wanna keep the faith the trust
praying is always something
goodbyes to me are nothing
four short words said in the morning
four short words i said in one sentence

that you strong inderpendent individual
never lose your mind always keep in mind
losing the one u love yes always 2 me
in one day goodbye to me are not sad
four short words in one sentence said
losing the one u love yes always 2 me
goodbyes to me are not sad

Relevant Tags:
FFour SShort WWords our hort ords oFur hSort oWrds cour zhort aords cFour zShort aWords Fcour Szhort Waords rour whort 3ords
rFour wShort 3Words Frour Swhort W3ords gour dhort dords gFour dShort dWords Fgour Sdhort Wdords tour ehort eords tFour eShort eWords
Ftour Sehort Weords vour xhort sords vFour xShort sWords Fvour Sxhort Wsords dour ahort 2ords dFour aShort 2Words Fdour Sahort W2ords
Foour Shhort qords Fur Sort qWords Fuor Sohrt Wqords Fkur Sjort Woords Fkour Sjhort Wrds Fokur Shjort Wrods F9ur Suort Wkrds
F9our Suhort Wkords Fo9ur Shuort Wokrds F0ur Snort W9rds F0our Snhort W9ords Fo0ur Shnort Wo9rds Flur Sbort W0rds Flour Sbhort W0ords
Folur Shbort Wo0rds Fiur Sgort Wlrds Fiour Sghort Wlords Foiur Shgort Wolrds Fouur Syort Wirds For Syhort Wiords Foru Shyort Woirds
Fohr Shoort Worrds Fohur Shrt Wods Fouhr Shrot Wodrs Fo7r Shkrt Wodds Fo7ur Shkort Wodrds Fou7r Shokrt Wordds Fokr Sh9rt Wo4ds
Sh9ort Wo4rds Foukr Sho9rt Wor4ds Foir Sh0rt Wogds

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