Jars Of Clay
Tea And Sympathy

Fare thee well
Tradin' all our words for tea and sympathy
Wonder why we tried, for things could never be
Play our hearts' lament like an unrehearsed symphony

Not intend
To leave this castle full of empty rooms
Our love the captive in the tower never rescued
And all our victory songs seem to be playing out of tune

'Cause it's not the way that it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy, no
And it's not the way that it has to be

You begin
All your words fall to the floor and break like china cups
And a waitress grabs a broom and tries to sweep them up
I reach for my tea, slowly drink in

'Cause it's not the way that it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy, no
And it's not the way
That it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy

Fare thee well
The words, the bag of leaves that fill my head
I could taste the biterness and call the waitress instead
'Cause she holds the answer, smiles and asks one teaspoon or two

'Cause it's not the way that it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy, no
And it's not the way that it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy
And it's not he way that it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy, no
'Cause it's not the way that it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy

Don't trade us for tea and sympathy
Don't trade us for tea and sympathy
We can work it out
Don't trade us for tea and sympathy
Don't trade us for tea and sympathy
We can work it out
We can work it out

Mirror lyrics:

We can work it out
We can work it out
Don't trade us for tea and sympathy
Don't trade us for tea and sympathy
We can work it out
Don't trade us for tea and sympathy
Don't trade us for tea and sympathy

Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy
'Cause it's not the way that it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy, no
And it's not he way that it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy
And it's not the way that it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy, no
'Cause it's not the way that it has to be

'Cause she holds the answer, smiles and asks one teaspoon or two
I could taste the biterness and call the waitress instead
The words, the bag of leaves that fill my head
Fare thee well

Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy
That it has to be
And it's not the way
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy, no
'Cause it's not the way that it has to be

I reach for my tea, slowly drink in
And a waitress grabs a broom and tries to sweep them up
All your words fall to the floor and break like china cups
You begin

And it's not the way that it has to be
Don't trade our love for tea and sympathy, no
'Cause it's not the way that it has to be

And all our victory songs seem to be playing out of tune
Our love the captive in the tower never rescued
To leave this castle full of empty rooms
Not intend

Play our hearts' lament like an unrehearsed symphony
Wonder why we tried, for things could never be
Tradin' all our words for tea and sympathy
Fare thee well

Relevant Tags:
TTea AAnd SSympathy ea nd ympathy eTa nAd ySmpathy fea znd zympathy fTea zAnd zSympathy Tfea Aznd Szympathy 5ea qnd wympathy
5Tea qAnd wSympathy T5ea Aqnd Swympathy hea snd dympathy hTea sAnd dSympathy Thea Asnd Sdympathy yea wnd eympathy yTea wAnd eSympathy
Tyea Awnd Seympathy 6ea xnd xympathy 6Tea xAnd xSympathy T6ea Axnd Sxympathy gea Annd aympathy gTea Ad aSympathy Tgea Adn Saympathy
rea Amd Syympathy rTea Amnd Smpathy Trea Anmd Smypathy Teea Ahd Sgmpathy Ta Ahnd Sgympathy Tae Anhd Sygmpathy Tsa Ajd Shmpathy
Tsea Ajnd Shympathy Tesa Anjd Syhmpathy T3a Abd S6mpathy T3ea Abnd S6ympathy Te3a Anbd Sy6mpathy Tfa Andd Sumpathy An Suympathy
Tefa And Syumpathy Tra Anx S7mpathy Anxd S7ympathy Tera Andx Sy7mpathy T4a Ane Sjmpathy T4ea Aned Sjympathy Te4a Ande Syjmpathy
Tda Anf Stmpathy Tdea Anfd Stympathy Teda Andf Sytmpathy Twa Anr Symmpathy Twea Anrd Sypathy Tewa Andr Sypmathy Teaa Anc Syjpathy
Te Ancd Tea Andc Symjpathy Tez Ans Sykpathy Teza Ansd Sykmpathy Teaz Ands Symkpathy Teq Synpathy Teqa Synmpathy
Teaq Symnpathy Tes Symppathy Symathy Teas Symapthy Tew Sym0athy Sym0pathy Teaw Symp0athy
Tex Symlathy Texa Symlpathy Teax Symplathy Symoathy Symopathy Sympoathy Sympaathy
Sympthy Symptahy Sympzthy Sympzathy

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