Jaron And The Long Road To Love
Pray For You

Haven't been in church since
I don't remember when
Things were going great
Til they fell apart again
So I listened to the preacher
As he told me what to do
Said you can't go hating others
who have done wrong to you
Sometimes we get angry
But we must not condemn
Let the good Lord do his job
And you just pray for them

I pray your brakes go out
Running down a hill
I pray a
flower pot falls
From a window sill
And knocks you in the head like I'd like to
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
I pray your flying high when your engine stalls
I pray all your dreams never come true
Just know wherever you are
Honey, I pray for you

I'm really glad I found my way to church
Cause I'm already feeling better and I thank God for the words
Yea I'm gonna take the high road
And do what the preacher told me to do
You keep messing up
And I'll keep praying for you

I pray your tire blows out at 110
I pray you pass out drunk with your best friend
And wake up with his and her tattoos

I pray your brakes go out
Running down a hill
I pray and flower pot falls
From a window sill
And knocks you in the head like I'd like to
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
I pray your flying high when your engine stalls
I pray all your dreams never come true
Just know wherever you are
Wherever you are, near or far, in your house or in your car
Wherever you are honey, I pray for you.
I pray for you.

Mirror lyrics:

I pray for you.
Wherever you are honey, I pray for you.
Wherever you are, near or far, in your house or in your car
Just know wherever you are
I pray all your dreams never come true
I pray your flying high when your engine stalls
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
And knocks you in the head like I'd like to
From a window sill
I pray and flower pot falls
Running down a hill
I pray your brakes go out

And wake up with his and her tattoos
I pray you pass out drunk with your best friend
I pray your tire blows out at 110

And I'll keep praying for you
You keep messing up
And do what the preacher told me to do
Yea I'm gonna take the high road
Cause I'm already feeling better and I thank God for the words
I'm really glad I found my way to church

Honey, I pray for you
Just know wherever you are
I pray all your dreams never come true
I pray your flying high when your engine stalls
I pray your birthday comes and nobody calls
And knocks you in the head like I'd like to
From a window sill
flower pot falls
I pray a
Running down a hill
I pray your brakes go out

And you just pray for them
Let the good Lord do his job
But we must not condemn
Sometimes we get angry
who have done wrong to you
Said you can't go hating others
As he told me what to do
So I listened to the preacher
Til they fell apart again
Things were going great
I don't remember when
Haven't been in church since

Relevant Tags:
PPray FFor YYou ray or ou rPay oFr oYu 0ray cor gou 0Pray cFor gYou P0ray Fcor Ygou lray ror hou lPray rFor hYou Plray Fror Yhou
oray gor 6ou oPray gFor 6You Poray Fgor Y6ou Prray tor uou Pay tFor uYou Pary Ftor Yuou Pday vor 7ou Pdray vFor 7You Prday Fvor Y7ou
P4ay dor jou P4ray dFor jYou Pr4ay Fdor Yjou Pgay Foor tou Pgray Fr tYou Prgay Fro Ytou Ptay Fkr Yoou Ptray Fkor Yu Prtay Fokr Yuo
P5ay F9r Yku P5ray F9or Ykou Pr5ay Fo9r Yoku Pfay F0r Y9u Pfray F0or Y9ou Prfay Fo0r Yo9u Peay Flr Y0u Peray Flor Y0ou Preay Folr Yo0u
Praay Fir Ylu Pry Fior Ylou Prya Foir Yolu

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