Jasmine Guy
It's Just Another Day

it's just another day-lyrics

it's just another day I feel this way
it's just another day where I cry and scream and shout
it's just another day where I feel like hell

just another day where I am a little depressed
if you only knew the pain I am going through
my life would be alot better then now

just a nother day
where I feel I am lost without you
just a nother day to learn what I need to know

It's just another day where I feel like I come from hell
it's just another day like any other day
day after day it never ends...

it's just another day I feel this way
it's just another day where I cry and scream and shout
it's just another day where I feel like hell

Oh yeah

just another day where I feel I need to run away
without feeling like predictable
I wanna be reliable I wanna know what I see

just another day...ohhh Just another day where I can do what I want
It's just another day

just another day where I am a little depressed
if you only knew the pain I am going through
my life would be alot better then now.

Mirror lyrics:

my life would be alot better then now.
if you only knew the pain I am going through
just another day where I am a little depressed

It's just another day
just another day...ohhh Just another day where I can do what I want

I wanna be reliable I wanna know what I see
without feeling like predictable
just another day where I feel I need to run away

Oh yeah

it's just another day where I feel like hell
it's just another day where I cry and scream and shout
it's just another day I feel this way

day after day it never ends...
it's just another day like any other day
It's just another day where I feel like I come from hell

just a nother day to learn what I need to know
where I feel I am lost without you
just a nother day

my life would be alot better then now
if you only knew the pain I am going through
just another day where I am a little depressed

it's just another day where I feel like hell
it's just another day where I cry and scream and shout
it's just another day I feel this way

it's just another day-lyrics

Relevant Tags:
IIt's JJust AAnother DDay t's ust nother ay tI's uJst nAother aDy jt's kust znother xay jIt's kJust zAnother xDay Ijt's Jkust Aznother Dxay
9t's iust qnother eay 9It's iJust qAnother eDay I9t's Jiust Aqnother Deay lt's must snother fay lIt's mJust sAnother fDay Ilt's Jmust Asnother Dfay
ot's nust wnother ray oIt's nJust wAnother rDay Iot's Jnust Awnother Dray kt's hust xnother cay kIt's hJust xAnother cDay Ikt's Jhust Axnother Dcay
8t's uust Annother say 8It's uJust Aother sDay I8t's Juust Aonther Dsay ut's Amother Daay uIt's Jst Amnother Dy Iut's Jsut Anmother Dya
Itt's Jhst Ahother Dzy I's Ahnother Dzay I'ts Juhst Anhother Dazy If's J7st Ajother Dqy Ift's J7ust Ajnother Dqay Itf's Ju7st Anjother Daqy
I5's Jkst Abother Dsy I5t's Abnother It5's Jukst Anbother Dasy Ih's Jist Anoother Dwy Iht's Anther Dway Ith's Juist Antoher Dawy
Iy's J8st Ankther Dxy Iyt's J8ust Ankother Ity's Ju8st Anokther Daxy I6's Jjst An9ther Dayy I6t's Jjust An9other Da It6's Jujst Ano9ther Day
Ig's Jyst An0ther Dag Igt's Jyust An0other Dagy Itg's Juyst Ano0ther Dayg Ir's Jusst Anlther Dah Irt's Jut Anlother Dahy Itr's Juts Anolther Dayh
It''s Juzt Anither Da6 Its Juzst Aniother Da6y Its' Juszt Anoither Day6 It'ss Juwt Anotther Dau It' Juwst Anoher Dauy It's Juswt Anohter Dayu
It'z Judt Anofher Da7 It'zs Judst Anofther Da7y It'sz Jusdt Anotfher Day7 It'w Juet Ano5her Daj It'ws Juest Ano5ther Dajy It'sw Juset Anot5her Dayj
It'd Juxt Anohher Dat It'ds Juxst Anohther Daty It'sd Jusxt Anothher Dayt It'e Juat Anoyher It'es Juast Anoyther It'se Jusat Anotyher
It'x Justt Ano6her It'xs Jus Ano6ther

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