Jasmine Guy
Just Try

just try
you're best
in everything
just try you're hardest
i believe you can do it
you can do it)
just try to believe in yourself

try not to get all upset cause you don't know
ohh i try so hard to get people to like me
ohh try not to get upset
if you do you're not even interested at all

dosen't matter if f you dont know
cause i don;'t know alot
and i always ttry
i try not to care about other people
i just am me if people don't like me
bad luck
i'm heere to learn
thats all don't need friends
all i need is family


just try to enjoy
just try to understand
nobody knows me
no body helps me
cause i may have a better life then them
even they probbaly dont like me cause there not happy
with themselves
ohH! i have a life don't need a nother

my child hood is so great
my mother tteachs me so much
my inside is so intellgent
just try to believe you can do i
stop complaing
just be strong
put trustin yourself

you can not know
but just try to learn
its very easy
i know!

Mirror lyrics:

i know!
its very easy
but just try to learn
you can not know

put trustin yourself
just be strong
stop complaing
just try to believe you can do i
my inside is so intellgent
my mother tteachs me so much
my child hood is so great

ohH! i have a life don't need a nother
with themselves
even they probbaly dont like me cause there not happy
cause i may have a better life then them
no body helps me
nobody knows me
just try to understand
just try to enjoy


all i need is family
thats all don't need friends
i'm heere to learn
bad luck
i just am me if people don't like me
i try not to care about other people
and i always ttry
cause i don;'t know alot
dosen't matter if f you dont know

if you do you're not even interested at all
ohh try not to get upset
ohh i try so hard to get people to like me
try not to get all upset cause you don't know

just try to believe in yourself
you can do it)
i believe you can do it
just try you're hardest
in everything
you're best
just try

Relevant Tags:
JJust TTry ust ry uJst rTy kust fry kJust fTry Jkust Tfry iust 5ry iJust 5Try Jiust T5ry must hry mJust hTry
Jmust Thry nust yry nJust yTry Jnust Tyry hust 6ry hJust 6Try Jhust T6ry uust gry uJust gTry Juust Tgry rry
Jst rTry Jsut Trry Jhst Ty Juhst Tyr J7st Tdy J7ust Tdry Ju7st Trdy Jkst T4y T4ry Jukst Tr4y
Jist Tgy Juist Trgy J8st Tty J8ust Ttry Ju8st Trty Jjst T5y Jjust Jujst Tr5y Jyst Tfy

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