Jamestown Story
Futile Road

Hold me down, I need a prescription
My heart can't feel this empty anymore
Choke them down, and hope for a reaction, or live another day at war

Days spent dazed, a classic case
Of mis concepted ways

This has always been my life, will always be a place where I spend too
much time on hold
The things I've done and said each day, keep haunting every move I make
So I'll keep walking, searching for control, down this futile road

Hold me down, my recklessness has damaged, my body beyond all repair
I'm not down, and out yet, I'm just out and down
The search for understanding isn't fair

Days spent dazed, an all too common case
Of misconcepted ways

And after all this time nothings changed
I've lasted all this time and nothings changed

Mirror lyrics:

I've lasted all this time and nothings changed
And after all this time nothings changed

Of misconcepted ways
Days spent dazed, an all too common case

The search for understanding isn't fair
I'm not down, and out yet, I'm just out and down
Hold me down, my recklessness has damaged, my body beyond all repair

So I'll keep walking, searching for control, down this futile road
The things I've done and said each day, keep haunting every move I make
much time on hold
This has always been my life, will always be a place where I spend too

Of mis concepted ways
Days spent dazed, a classic case

Choke them down, and hope for a reaction, or live another day at war
My heart can't feel this empty anymore
Hold me down, I need a prescription

Relevant Tags:
FFutile RRoad utile oad uFtile oRad cutile doad cFutile dRoad Fcutile Rdoad rutile 4oad rFutile 4Road Frutile R4oad gutile goad
gFutile gRoad Fgutile Rgoad tutile toad tFutile tRoad Ftutile Rtoad vutile 5oad vFutile 5Road Fvutile R5oad dutile foad dFutile fRoad
Fdutile Rfoad Fuutile eoad Ftile eRoad Ftuile Reoad Fhtile Rooad Fhutile Rad Fuhtile Raod F7tile Rkad F7utile Rkoad Fu7tile Rokad
Fktile R9ad Fkutile R9oad Fuktile Ro9ad Fitile R0ad Fiutile R0oad Fuitile Ro0ad F8tile Rlad F8utile Rload Fu8tile Rolad Fjtile Riad
Fjutile Rioad Fujtile Roiad Fytile Roaad Fyutile Rod Fuytile Roda Futtile Rozd Fuile Rozad Fuitle Roazd Fufile Roqd Fuftile Roqad
Futfile Roaqd Fu5ile Rosd Fu5tile Rosad Fut5ile Roasd Fuhile Rowd Rowad Futhile Roawd Fuyile Roxd Roxad Futyile Roaxd
Fu6ile Roadd Fu6tile Roa

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