James Taylor
Jelly Man Kelly

Here's a story about Jelly Man Kelly
He loves jelly the most
ah but most of all Jelly Man Kelly
loves jelly on toast

Here's the part about Jenny Mahenny
She's the firemans daughter
ah but most of all Jenny Mahenny
loves to boil hot water

So Jenny put the kettle on
Jelly Man Kelly can he come home
Jenny can he come
So Jenny put the kettle on
Jelly Man Kelly can he come home
Jenny can he come

oooh can he come home
Jenny can he can come home
Jenny can he come

oooh can he come home
Jenny can he can come home
Jenny can he come

oooh can he come home
Jenny can he can come home
Jenny can he come

oooh can he come home
Jenny can he can come home
Jenny can he come

Lalalada doo doo doo doo Papa
do fo faam
yaka yaka yaka yaka
huh uh no

oooh can he come home
Jenny can he can come home
Jenny can he come

oooh can he come home
Jenny can he can come home
Jenny can he come

Here's a story about Jelly Man Kelly
He sure loves jelly
And maybe someday you an me friend
we can have tea with him

Mirror lyrics:

we can have tea with him
And maybe someday you an me friend
He sure loves jelly
Here's a story about Jelly Man Kelly

Jenny can he come
Jenny can he can come home
oooh can he come home

Jenny can he come
Jenny can he can come home
oooh can he come home

huh uh no
yaka yaka yaka yaka
do fo faam
Lalalada doo doo doo doo Papa

Jenny can he come
Jenny can he can come home
oooh can he come home

Jenny can he come
Jenny can he can come home
oooh can he come home

Jenny can he come
Jenny can he can come home
oooh can he come home

Jenny can he come
Jenny can he can come home
oooh can he come home

Jenny can he come
Jelly Man Kelly can he come home
So Jenny put the kettle on
Jenny can he come
Jelly Man Kelly can he come home
So Jenny put the kettle on

loves to boil hot water
ah but most of all Jenny Mahenny
She's the firemans daughter
Here's the part about Jenny Mahenny

loves jelly on toast
ah but most of all Jelly Man Kelly
He loves jelly the most
Here's a story about Jelly Man Kelly

Relevant Tags:
JJelly MMan KKelly elly an elly eJlly aMn eKlly kelly jan lelly kJelly jMan lKelly Jkelly Mjan Klelly ielly kan oelly
iJelly kMan oKelly Jielly Mkan Koelly melly nan melly mJelly nMan mKelly Jmelly Mnan Kmelly nelly Maan jelly nJelly Mn jKelly
Jnelly Mna Kjelly helly Mzn ielly hJelly Mzan iKelly Jhelly Mazn Kielly uelly Mqn Keelly uJelly Mqan Klly Juelly Maqn Klely
Jeelly Msn Kslly Jlly Msan Kselly Jlely Masn Keslly Jslly Mwn K3lly Jselly Mwan K3elly Jeslly Mawn Ke3lly J3lly Mxn Kflly
J3elly Mxan Kfelly Je3lly Maxn Keflly Jflly Mann Krlly Jfelly Ma Krelly Jeflly Man Kerlly Jrlly Mam K4lly Jrelly Mamn K4elly
Jerlly Manm Ke4lly J4lly Mah Kdlly J4elly Mahn Kdelly Je4lly Manh Kedlly Jdlly Maj Kwlly Jdelly Majn Kwelly Jedlly Manj Kewlly
Jwlly Mab Kellly Jwelly Mabn Kely

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