James Otto
Where Angels Hang Around

A hundred miles out of Little Rock
Windshield full of rain
I-40 eastbound drivin' while I pray
She's asleep in the backseat
Holdin' tight to her teddy bear
She's got her daddy's smile and her momma's hair
But one word knocked our lives off track
Just one word keeps us comin' back

Across the Mississippi
A mile or two from Beale Street
Not too far from Graceland
Where the king of rock and roll sleeps
To a place for children
Where God sends his mercy rainin' down
In the heart of Memphis
Where angels hang around

All the deals I've made with God
The conversations that we've had
Tryin' to accept things I could not understand
I wanna walk her down the aisle
While those church bells ring
See her get the chance
To live all her dreams
But one word knocked our lives off track
Just one word keeps us comin' back


So sleep tight baby while these four wheels roll
'Cause just beyond the clouds there's a ray of hope

There's a place for children
Where God sends his mercy rainin' down
In the heart of Memphis
Where angels hang around

Mirror lyrics:

Where angels hang around
In the heart of Memphis
Where God sends his mercy rainin' down
There's a place for children

'Cause just beyond the clouds there's a ray of hope
So sleep tight baby while these four wheels roll


Just one word keeps us comin' back
But one word knocked our lives off track
To live all her dreams
See her get the chance
While those church bells ring
I wanna walk her down the aisle
Tryin' to accept things I could not understand
The conversations that we've had
All the deals I've made with God

Where angels hang around
In the heart of Memphis
Where God sends his mercy rainin' down
To a place for children
Where the king of rock and roll sleeps
Not too far from Graceland
A mile or two from Beale Street
Across the Mississippi

Just one word keeps us comin' back
But one word knocked our lives off track
She's got her daddy's smile and her momma's hair
Holdin' tight to her teddy bear
She's asleep in the backseat
I-40 eastbound drivin' while I pray
Windshield full of rain
A hundred miles out of Little Rock

Relevant Tags:
WWhere AAngels HHang AAround here ngels ang round hWere nAgels aHng rAound ahere zngels jang zround aWhere zAngels jHang zAround Wahere Azngels Hjang Azround
3here qngels uang qround 3Where qAngels uHang qAround W3here Aqngels Huang Aqround dhere sngels nang sround dWhere sAngels nHang sAround Wdhere Asngels Hnang Asround
ehere wngels bang wround eWhere wAngels bHang wAround Wehere Awngels Hbang Awround shere xngels gang xround sWhere xAngels gHang xAround Wshere Axngels Hgang Axround
2here Anngels yang Arround 2Where Agels yHang Aound W2here Agnels Hyang Aorund qhere Amgels Haang Adound qWhere Amngels Hng Adround Wqhere Anmgels Hnag Ardound
Whhere Ahgels Hzng A4ound Were Ahngels Hzang A4round Wehre Anhgels Hazng Ar4ound Wjere Ajgels Hqng Agound Wjhere Ajngels Hqang Aground Whjere Anjgels Haqng Argound
Wuere Abgels Hsng Atound Wuhere Abngels Hsang Atround Whuere Anbgels Hasng Artound Wnere Anggels Hwng A5ound Wnhere Anels Hwang A5round Whnere Anegls Hawng Ar5ound
Wbere Anhels Hxng Afound Wbhere Hxang Afround Whbere Anghels Haxng Arfound Wgere Anyels Hanng Aeound Wghere Anygels Hag Aeround Whgere Angyels Hagn Areound
Wyere Anbels Hamg Aroound Wyhere Hamng Arund Whyere Angbels Hanmg Aruond Wheere Anvels Hahg Arkund Whre Anvgels Hahng Arkound Whree Angvels Hanhg Arokund
Whsre Anfels Hajg Ar9und Whsere Anfgels Hajng Ar9ound Whesre Angfels Hanjg Aro9und Wh3re Antels Habg Ar0und Wh3ere Antgels Habng Ar0ound Whe3re Angtels Hanbg Aro0und
Whfre Angeels Hangg Arlund Whfere Angls Han Arlound Whefre Angles Hang Arolund Whrre Angsls Hanh Ariund

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