Of Monsters & Heroes & Men

Stray cats with fish heads, feeding their litters
Feral kids fight over rats, tailed from gutters
Bookie mouth brokers, rotten fruit sellers
Pickpockets, ghost through the crowd

He climbs onto boxes by market stall traders
Toothless and gray haired, thousand yard stare
He had a vision which broke the receiver
Receiving transmission, surface to air

Either way, I'm in awe of you
Either way, we'll survive

Conjuring devils, angels and demons
Only the children see shape to his tone
Laughing and crying, his song fell upon us
We buried his treasure along with his bones

Arms held aloft, away to the sky
Innocent witness, he testified
Drained of his purpose, he falls off the quayside
Absorbed by the ocean, rolled by the tide

Either way, I'm in awe of you
Either way, we'll survive
Either way, I'm in awe of you
Either way, we'll survive, we'll survive

Under the power lines which crackle and sparkle
Under the freeway, now, mostly rubble
The hungry still gather to fill up with stories
Of monsters and heroes and men

Under the stars, which prick us and call us
Connect us to hope that perfection's within
Is here on the ground, we're reckless and hopeless
Damned by the slip of a pen

Rambling poets, manic with vision
We are the drivers, yet we feel driven
Moths in the moonlight, fooled by a flashlight
Caught in a jam jar, gasping for air

Rambling poets, manic with vision
We are the drivers, yet we feel driven
Moths in the moonlight, fooled by a flashlight
Caught in a jam jar, gasping for air

Rambling poets, manic with vision
We are the drivers, yet we feel driven
Moths in the moonlight, fooled by a flashlight
Caught in a jam jar, gasping for air

Rambling poets, manic with vision
We are the drivers, yet we feel driven
Moths in the moonlight, fooled by a flashlight
Caught in a jam jar, gasping for air

Either way, I'm in awe of you
Either way, we'll survive, we'll survive

Mirror lyrics:

Either way, we'll survive, we'll survive
Either way, I'm in awe of you

Caught in a jam jar, gasping for air
Moths in the moonlight, fooled by a flashlight
We are the drivers, yet we feel driven
Rambling poets, manic with vision

Caught in a jam jar, gasping for air
Moths in the moonlight, fooled by a flashlight
We are the drivers, yet we feel driven
Rambling poets, manic with vision

Caught in a jam jar, gasping for air
Moths in the moonlight, fooled by a flashlight
We are the drivers, yet we feel driven
Rambling poets, manic with vision

Caught in a jam jar, gasping for air
Moths in the moonlight, fooled by a flashlight
We are the drivers, yet we feel driven
Rambling poets, manic with vision

Damned by the slip of a pen
Is here on the ground, we're reckless and hopeless
Connect us to hope that perfection's within
Under the stars, which prick us and call us

Of monsters and heroes and men
The hungry still gather to fill up with stories
Under the freeway, now, mostly rubble
Under the power lines which crackle and sparkle

Either way, we'll survive, we'll survive
Either way, I'm in awe of you
Either way, we'll survive
Either way, I'm in awe of you

Absorbed by the ocean, rolled by the tide
Drained of his purpose, he falls off the quayside
Innocent witness, he testified
Arms held aloft, away to the sky

We buried his treasure along with his bones
Laughing and crying, his song fell upon us
Only the children see shape to his tone
Conjuring devils, angels and demons

Either way, we'll survive
Either way, I'm in awe of you

Receiving transmission, surface to air
He had a vision which broke the receiver
Toothless and gray haired, thousand yard stare
He climbs onto boxes by market stall traders

Pickpockets, ghost through the crowd
Bookie mouth brokers, rotten fruit sellers
Feral kids fight over rats, tailed from gutters
Stray cats with fish heads, feeding their litters

Relevant Tags:
OOf MMonsters && HHeroes && MMen f onsters amp; eroes amp; en fO oMnsters a∓ eHroes a∓ eMn kf jonsters &aamp; jeroes &aamp; jen kOf jMonsters ∓ jHeroes ∓ jMen
Okf Mjonsters ↦ Hjeroes ↦ Mjen 9f konsters &zmp; ueroes &zmp; ken 9Of kMonsters &zamp; uHeroes &zamp; kMen O9f Mkonsters &azmp; Hueroes &azmp; Mken 0f nonsters &qmp; neroes &qmp; nen
0Of nMonsters &qamp; nHeroes &qamp; nMen O0f Mnonsters &aqmp; Hneroes &aqmp; Mnen lf Moonsters &smp; beroes &smp; Meen lOf Mnsters &samp; bHeroes &samp; Mn Olf Mnosters &asmp; Hberoes &asmp; Mne
if Mknsters &wmp; geroes &wmp; Msn iOf &wamp; gHeroes &wamp; Msen Oif Moknsters &awmp; Hgeroes &awmp; Mesn Off M9nsters &xmp; yeroes &xmp; M3n O M9onsters &xamp; yHeroes &xamp; M3en
Of Mo9nsters &axmp; Hyeroes &axmp; Me3n Oc M0nsters &ammp; Heeroes &ammp; Mfn Ocf M0onsters ≈ Hroes ≈ Mfen Ofc Mo0nsters &apm; Hreoes &apm; Mefn Or Mlnsters &ajp; Hsroes &ajp; Mrn
Orf Mlonsters &ajmp; Hseroes &ajmp; Mren Ofr Molnsters &amjp; Hesroes &amjp; Mern Og Minsters &akp; H3roes &akp; M4n Ogf Mionsters &akmp; H3eroes &akmp; M4en Ofg Moinsters &amkp; He3roes &amkp; Me4n
Ot Monnsters &anp; Hfroes &anp; Mdn Otf Mosters &anmp; Hferoes &anmp; Mden Oft Mosnters &amnp; Hefroes &amnp; Medn Ov Momsters &p; Hrroes &p; Mwn Ovf Momnsters &am; Hreroes &am; Mwen
Ofv Monmsters &am;p Herroes &am;p Mewn Od Mohsters &am0; H4roes &am0; Menn Odf Mohnsters &am0p; H4eroes &am0p; Me Ofd Monhsters &0; He4roes &0; Men Mojsters &aml; Hdroes &aml; Mem
Mojnsters &amlp; Hderoes &amlp; Memn Monjsters &l; Hedroes &l; Menm Mobsters &amo; Hwroes &amo; Meh Mobnsters &amop; Hweroes &amop; Mehn Monbsters &o; Hewroes &o; Menh
Monssters &; &; Mej Monters & Heoes & Mejn Montsers & Heores & Menj Monzters Hedoes Meb Monzsters Mebn
Monszters Herdoes Menb Monwters He4oes Monwsters Monswters Her4oes Mondters Hegoes
Mondsters Hegroes Monsdters Hergoes Moneters Hetoes Monesters Hetroes Monseters Hertoes
Monxters He5oes Monxsters He5roes Monsxters Her5oes Monaters Hefoes Monasters
Monsaters Herfoes Monstters Heeoes Monsers Monsetrs Hereoes Monsfers Herooes
Monsfters Heres Monstfers Hereos Mons5ers Herkes Mons5ters Herkoes Monst5ers Herokes

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