James Ingram
Yah Mo B There (duet With Michael Mcdonald)

Heavenly Father watchin' us fall
We take from each other and give nothing at all
Well, it's a doggone shame
But never too late for change
So, if your luck runs low
Just reach out and call His name, His name...

Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there
Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there

Whenever you call...

Never be lonely, lost in the night
Just run from the darkness, lookin' for the light
'Cause it's a long, hard road
That leads to a brighter day, hey...
Don't let your heart grow cold
Just reach out and call His name, His name...

Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there
Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there
Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there
Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there

Yah will B there
You can count on it brother
'Cause we're all just finding our way
Travelin' through time
People got to keep pushin' on
No matter how many dreams slip away
Yah will b there

Well, it's a doggone shame
But never too late for change
So, when your luck runs low
Just reach out and call His name
Just call His name

Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there
Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there

Mirror lyrics:

Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there
Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there

Just call His name
Just reach out and call His name
So, when your luck runs low
But never too late for change
Well, it's a doggone shame

Yah will b there
No matter how many dreams slip away
People got to keep pushin' on
Travelin' through time
'Cause we're all just finding our way
You can count on it brother
Yah will B there

Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there
Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there
Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there
Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there

Just reach out and call His name, His name...
Don't let your heart grow cold
That leads to a brighter day, hey...
'Cause it's a long, hard road
Just run from the darkness, lookin' for the light
Never be lonely, lost in the night

Whenever you call...

Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there
Yah Mo B there, Yah Mo B there

Just reach out and call His name, His name...
So, if your luck runs low
But never too late for change
Well, it's a doggone shame
We take from each other and give nothing at all
Heavenly Father watchin' us fall

Relevant Tags:
YYah MMo BB TThere ((duet WWith MMichael MMcdonald) ah o here duet ith ichael cdonald) aYh oM B hTere d(uet iWth iMchael cMdonald)
gah jo v fhere (dduet aith jichael jcdonald) gYah jMo vB fThere (uet aWith jMichael jMcdonald) Ygah Mjo Bv Tfhere (udet Waith Mjichael Mjcdonald)
hah ko g 5here (xuet 3ith kichael kcdonald) hYah kMo gB 5There (xduet 3With kMichael kMcdonald) Yhah Mko Bg T5here (dxuet W3ith Mkichael Mkcdonald)
6ah no n hhere (euet dith nichael ncdonald) 6Yah nMo nB hThere (eduet dWith nMichael nMcdonald) Y6ah Mno Bn Thhere (deuet Wdith Mnichael Mncdonald)
uah Moo h yhere (fuet eith Miichael Mccdonald) uYah M hB yThere (fduet eWith Mchael Mdonald) Yuah Mo Bh Tyhere (dfuet Weith Mcihael Mdconald)
7ah Mk 6here (ruet sith Mjchael Mfdonald) 7Yah 6There (rduet sWith Mfcdonald) Y7ah Mok T6here (druet Wsith Mijchael Mcfdonald)
jah M9 ghere (cuet 2ith M9chael Mxdonald) jYah M9o gThere (cduet 2With M9ichael Mxcdonald) Yjah Mo9 Tghere (dcuet W2ith Mi9chael Mcxdonald)
tah M0 rhere (suet qith Mlchael Mvdonald) tYah M0o rThere (sduet qWith Mlichael Mvcdonald) Ytah Mo0 Trhere (dsuet Wqith Milchael Mcvdonald)
Yaah Ml (duuet Wiith Mochael Mddonald) Yh Mlo Tere (det Wth Moichael Mdcdonald) Yha Mol Tehre (deut Wtih Miochael Mcddonald)
Yzh Mi Tjere (dhet Wjth Mkchael Yzah Mio Tjhere (dhuet Wjith Mconald) Yazh Moi Thjere (duhet Wijth Mikchael Mcodnald)
Yqh Tuere (d7et W9th M8chael Mcxonald) Yqah Tuhere (d7uet W9ith M8ichael Yaqh Thuere (du7et Wi9th Mi8chael Mcdxonald)
Ysh Tnere (dket Wlth Muchael Mceonald) Ysah Tnhere (dkuet Wlith Muichael Mcedonald) Yash Thnere (duket Wilth Miuchael Mcdeonald)
Ywh Tbere (diet Woth Micchael Mcfonald) Ywah Tbhere (diuet Woith Mihael Yawh Thbere (duiet Wioth Mihcael Mcdfonald)
Yxh Tgere (d8et Wkth Mifhael Mcronald) Yxah (d8uet Wkith Mifchael Mcrdonald) Yaxh Thgere (du8et Wikth Micfhael Mcdronald)
Yahh Tyere (djet W8th Mixhael Mcconald) Ya (djuet W8ith Mixchael Yah Thyere (dujet Wi8th Micxhael Mcdconald)
Yaj Theere (dyet Wuth Mivhael Mcsonald) Yajh Thre (dyuet Wuith Mivchael Mcsdonald) Yahj Three (duyet Wiuth Micvhael Mcdsonald)
Yau Thsre (dueet Witth Midhael Mcdoonald) Yauh Thsere (dut Wih Midchael Mcdnald) Yahu Thesre (dute Wiht Micdhael Mcdnoald)
Yan Th3re (dust Wifh Michhael Mcdknald) Yanh Th3ere (duset Wifth Micael Mcdkonald) Yahn The3re (duest Witfh Micahel Mcdoknald)
Yab Thfre (du3t Wi5h Micjael Mcd9nald) Yabh Thfere (du3et Wi5th Micjhael Mcd9onald) Yahb Thefre (due3t Wit5h Michjael Mcdo9nald)
Yag Thrre (duft Wihh Micuael Mcd0nald) Yagh Threre (dufet Wihth Micuhael Mcd0onald) Yahg Therre (dueft Withh Michuael Mcdo0nald)
Yay Th4re (durt Wiyh Micnael Mcdlnald) Yayh Th4ere (duret Wiyth Micnhael Mcdlonald) Yahy The4re (duert Wityh Michnael Mcdolnald)
Thdre (du4t Wi6h Micbael Mcdinald) Thdere (du4et Wi6th Micbhael Mcdionald) Thedre (due4t Wit6h Michbael Mcdoinald)

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