James Brown
Let's Make Christmas Mean Something This Year

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

Hi everybody, this is James Brown
This is a very, very unusual way to come to you
But I gotta start by saying thanks
Thanks for such a wonderful year

Not only to you, to God, number one
To you number two and for all the wonderful things
You know when I look at a beautiful day
I'll say God is there

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

I say it's happy because birds are tweeting
Sun is shining, the wind's blowing the breeze
The leaves are flying, everybody feels nice

Just say, oh God, thanks for all he wonderful things
You even see a little snow sometimes but you know, God only knows
How Christmas is gonna look, so one more time I'll say

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

Now let's make our next year be as nice as this year
Now Christmas gotta be the kind of a Christmas
That we remember a long time ago

You remember when everybody used to look forward to it, Santa Claus
You'd wanna know what you gonna have the next day
You couldn't wait until Christmas morning to jump up

But that's the morning you wouldn't go to your table
You go straight to your little sack
Hanging on the mantle over the fireplace

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

You know I just enjoy this and I, I can't really can't find enough words
That would really make me express myself the good feelings that I have
But I wanna say thanks, thanks to God and now
Let's make Christmas the kind of a Christmas that we'd remember

You know, you made Christmas very, very beautiful for me
In my past years but let's make this Christmas beautiful for everybody
The kind of a Christmas that mom, dad, granddad

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

Mirror lyrics:

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

The kind of a Christmas that mom, dad, granddad
In my past years but let's make this Christmas beautiful for everybody
You know, you made Christmas very, very beautiful for me

Let's make Christmas the kind of a Christmas that we'd remember
But I wanna say thanks, thanks to God and now
That would really make me express myself the good feelings that I have
You know I just enjoy this and I, I can't really can't find enough words

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

Hanging on the mantle over the fireplace
You go straight to your little sack
But that's the morning you wouldn't go to your table

You couldn't wait until Christmas morning to jump up
You'd wanna know what you gonna have the next day
You remember when everybody used to look forward to it, Santa Claus

That we remember a long time ago
Now Christmas gotta be the kind of a Christmas
Now let's make our next year be as nice as this year

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

How Christmas is gonna look, so one more time I'll say
You even see a little snow sometimes but you know, God only knows
Just say, oh God, thanks for all he wonderful things

The leaves are flying, everybody feels nice
Sun is shining, the wind's blowing the breeze
I say it's happy because birds are tweeting

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

I'll say God is there
You know when I look at a beautiful day
To you number two and for all the wonderful things
Not only to you, to God, number one

Thanks for such a wonderful year
But I gotta start by saying thanks
This is a very, very unusual way to come to you
Hi everybody, this is James Brown

Let's make this Christmas mean something this year
Let's make this Christmas mean something this year

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Chrisstmas Somehhing Thix Yeaf Chritmas Somehthing Thixs Yeafr Chritsmas Somethhing Thisx Yearf

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