James Blunt
If Time Is All I Have

When you wake up
Turn the radio on
And you'll hear this simple song

That I made up
That I made up for you

When you're driving
Turn the radio up
Cause I can't sing loud enough
Hard these days
To get my message through

If time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you

Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake

When you marry
And you look around
I'll be somewhere in that crowd
Torn up, that it isn't me

When you're older
The memories fade
But I know I'll still feel the same
For as long as I live

But if time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you

Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake

Won't you say my name, one time
Please just say my name

But if time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you
Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake

If time is all I have
I'll waste it all on you

Each day I'll turn it back
It's what the broken-hearted do
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
Of silences keeping me awake

Won't you say my name
When the song is over

Mirror lyrics:

When the song is over
Won't you say my name

Of silences keeping me awake
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
It's what the broken-hearted do
Each day I'll turn it back

I'll waste it all on you
If time is all I have

Of silences keeping me awake
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
It's what the broken-hearted do
Each day I'll turn it back
I'll waste it all on you
But if time is all I have

Please just say my name
Won't you say my name, one time

Of silences keeping me awake
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
It's what the broken-hearted do
Each day I'll turn it back

I'll waste it all on you
But if time is all I have

For as long as I live
But I know I'll still feel the same
The memories fade
When you're older

Torn up, that it isn't me
I'll be somewhere in that crowd
And you look around
When you marry

Of silences keeping me awake
I'm tired of talking to an empty space
It's what the broken-hearted do
Each day I'll turn it back

I'll waste it all on you
If time is all I have

To get my message through
Hard these days
Cause I can't sing loud enough
Turn the radio up
When you're driving

That I made up for you
That I made up

And you'll hear this simple song
Turn the radio on
When you wake up

Relevant Tags:
IIf TTime IIs AAll II HHave f ime s ll ave fI iTme sI lAl I aHve jf fime js zll j jave jIf fTime jIs zAll jI jHave Ijf Tfime Ijs Azll Ij Hjave
9f 5ime 9s qll 9 uave 9If 5Time 9Is qAll 9I uHave I9f T5ime I9s Aqll I9 Huave lf hime ls sll l nave lIf hTime lIs sAll lI nHave Ilf Thime Ils Asll Il Hnave
of yime os wll o bave oIf yTime oIs wAll oI bHave Iof Tyime Ios Awll Io Hbave kf 6ime ks xll k gave kIf 6Time kIs xAll kI gHave Ikf T6ime Iks Axll Ik Hgave
8f gime 8s Alll 8 yave 8If gTime 8Is Al 8I yHave I8f Tgime I8s All I8 Hyave uf rime us Akl u Haave uIf rTime uIs Akll uI Hve Iuf Trime Ius Alkl Iu Hvae
Iff Tiime Iss Aol Hzve I Tme I Aoll Hzave If Tmie Is Alol Hazve Ic Tjme Iz Apl Hqve Icf Tjime Izs Apll Hqave Ifc Tijme Isz Alpl Haqve
Ir T9me Iw Hsve Irf T9ime Iws Hsave Ifr Ti9me Isw Hasve Ig Tlme Id Alk Hwve Igf Tlime Ids Hwave Ifg Tilme Isd Allk Hawve
It Tome Ie Alo Hxve Itf Toime Ies Hxave Ift Tiome Ise Allo Haxve Iv Tkme Ix Alp Havve Ivf Tkime Ixs Hae

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