Jakob Dylan
All Day And All Night

I been working double shift all night

Bees make honey, I'm making mine

Good men are busy all the time

I been working double shift all night

My line of work suits me fine

Split that apple and chuck that rind

Pull no wishbone that ain't dry

My line of work suits me fine

Sweet you ramble, sweet you roll

Through the bedrock of my soul

I got more good luck than I'll ever use

All day and all night like a mule

Fat faced farmer, off my land

Cross me twice you'll understand

Me and Delia, we're more than friends

Fat faced farmer off my land

See how high your monkey jumps

Peel that fruit back and give me some

Let this evening do what it does

And see how high your monkey jumps

I'm gearing up not to get small

I do it big or don't do it at all

Ain't got no baggage that I can't use

All day and all night like a mule

It's on back to work they say

Pull your hammer high and straight

Lay your boards out and drag that rake

And get on back to work they say

Give what you've got, return what you use

Tell me young man whose dog are you?

Got bigger secrets than you do

All day and all night like a mule

My line of work suits me fine

My line of work suits me fine

My line of work suits me fine

My line of work

Mirror lyrics:

My line of work

My line of work suits me fine

My line of work suits me fine

My line of work suits me fine

All day and all night like a mule

Got bigger secrets than you do

Tell me young man whose dog are you?

Give what you've got, return what you use

And get on back to work they say

Lay your boards out and drag that rake

Pull your hammer high and straight

It's on back to work they say

All day and all night like a mule

Ain't got no baggage that I can't use

I do it big or don't do it at all

I'm gearing up not to get small

And see how high your monkey jumps

Let this evening do what it does

Peel that fruit back and give me some

See how high your monkey jumps

Fat faced farmer off my land

Me and Delia, we're more than friends

Cross me twice you'll understand

Fat faced farmer, off my land

All day and all night like a mule

I got more good luck than I'll ever use

Through the bedrock of my soul

Sweet you ramble, sweet you roll

My line of work suits me fine

Pull no wishbone that ain't dry

Split that apple and chuck that rind

My line of work suits me fine

I been working double shift all night

Good men are busy all the time

Bees make honey, I'm making mine

I been working double shift all night

Relevant Tags:
AAll DDay AAnd AAll NNight ll ay nd ll ight lAl aDy nAd lAl iNght zll xay znd zll might zAll xDay zAnd zAll mNight Azll Dxay Aznd Azll Nmight
qll eay qnd qll hight qAll eDay qAnd qAll hNight Aqll Deay Aqnd Aqll Nhight sll fay snd sll jight sAll fDay sAnd sAll jNight Asll Dfay Asnd Asll Njight
wll ray wnd wll bight wAll rDay wAnd wAll bNight Awll Dray Awnd Awll Nbight xll cay xnd xll Niight xAll cDay xAnd xAll Nght Axll Dcay Axnd Axll Ngiht
Alll say Annd Alll Njght Al sDay Ad Al All Dsay Adn All Nijght Akl Daay Amd Akl N9ght Akll Dy Amnd Akll N9ight Alkl Dya Anmd Alkl Ni9ght
Aol Dzy Ahd Aol Nlght Aoll Dzay Ahnd Aoll Nlight Alol Dazy Anhd Alol Nilght Apl Dqy Ajd Apl Noght Apll Dqay Ajnd Apll Noight Alpl Daqy Anjd Alpl Nioght
Dsy Abd Nkght Abnd Nkight Dasy Anbd Nikght Alk Dwy Andd Alk N8ght Dway An N8ight Allk Dawy And Allk Ni8ght
Alo Dxy Anx Alo Nught Anxd Nuight Allo Daxy Andx Allo Niught Alp Dayy Ane Alp Nigght Da Aned Niht Allp Day Ande Allp Nihgt
Dag Anf Nihht Dagy Anfd Nihght Dayg Andf Nighht Dah Anr Niyht Dahy Anrd Niyght Dayh Andr Nigyht
Da6 Anc Nibht

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