I'm Okay

Why are you weeping over me this hour?
I'm slipping away but you know you couldn't keep me forever
I've gone too far to turn back again
And things will never be the same but

I'm okay
You'll see
Just believe
The words I pray
Just believe
The words I pray

Where are you going?
Searching for me in the shadows
The night is so dark but the future holds something better
I know it's going to be alright
And things will never be the same


The words I pray
And things will never be the same
No, things will never be the same


Mirror lyrics:


No, things will never be the same
And things will never be the same
The words I pray


And things will never be the same
I know it's going to be alright
The night is so dark but the future holds something better
Searching for me in the shadows
Where are you going?

The words I pray
Just believe
The words I pray
Just believe
You'll see
I'm okay

And things will never be the same but
I've gone too far to turn back again
I'm slipping away but you know you couldn't keep me forever
Why are you weeping over me this hour?

Relevant Tags:
II'm OOkay 'm kay 'Im kOay j'm kkay jI'm kOkay Ij'm Okkay 9'm 9kay 9I'm 9Okay I9'm O9kay l'm 0kay lI'm 0Okay
Il'm O0kay o'm lkay oI'm lOkay Io'm Olkay k'm ikay kI'm iOkay Ik'm Oikay 8'm 8I'm Oay I8'm Oaky u'm Olay
uI'm Iu'm Oklay I''m Ooay Im Ookay Im' Okoay I'mm Omay I' Omkay I'm Okmay I'j Ojay I'jm Ojkay I'mj Okjay
I'k Oiay I'km I'mk Okiay I'n Okaay I'nm Oky

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