James Mcmurtry
I'm Not From Here

I'm not from here
I just live here
grew up somewhere far away
come here thinking I'd never stay long
I'd be going back soon someday

it's been a few years
since I got here
seen 'em come and I've seen 'em go
crowds assemble, they hang out awhile
then they melt away like an early snow

onto some bright future somewhere
down the road to points unknown
sending postcards when they get there
wherever it is they think they're goin'

I'm not from here
I just live here
can't see that it matters much
I read the papers and I watch the nightly news
who's to say I'm out of touch

nobody's from here
most of us just live here
locals long since moved away
sold the played-out farms for parking lots
went off looking for a better way

onto some bright future somewhere
better times on down the road
wonder if they ever got there
wherever it was they thought they'd go

hit my home town
a couple years back
hard to say just how it felt
but it looked like so many towns I might've been through
on my way to somewhere else

I'm not from here
but people tell me
it's not like it used to be
they say I should have been here
back about ten years
before it got ruined by folks like me

we can't help it
we just keep moving
it's been that way since long ago
since the stone age, chasing the great herds
we mostly go where we have to go

onto some bright future somewhere
down the road to points unknown
sending post cards when we get there
wherever it is we think we'll go

Mirror lyrics:

wherever it is we think we'll go
sending post cards when we get there
down the road to points unknown
onto some bright future somewhere

we mostly go where we have to go
since the stone age, chasing the great herds
it's been that way since long ago
we just keep moving
we can't help it

before it got ruined by folks like me
back about ten years
they say I should have been here
it's not like it used to be
but people tell me
I'm not from here

on my way to somewhere else
but it looked like so many towns I might've been through
hard to say just how it felt
a couple years back
hit my home town

wherever it was they thought they'd go
wonder if they ever got there
better times on down the road
onto some bright future somewhere

went off looking for a better way
sold the played-out farms for parking lots
locals long since moved away
most of us just live here
nobody's from here

who's to say I'm out of touch
I read the papers and I watch the nightly news
can't see that it matters much
I just live here
I'm not from here

wherever it is they think they're goin'
sending postcards when they get there
down the road to points unknown
onto some bright future somewhere

then they melt away like an early snow
crowds assemble, they hang out awhile
seen 'em come and I've seen 'em go
since I got here
it's been a few years

I'd be going back soon someday
come here thinking I'd never stay long
grew up somewhere far away
I just live here
I'm not from here

Relevant Tags:
II'm NNot FFrom HHere 'm ot rom ere 'Im oNt rFom eHre j'm mot crom jere jI'm mNot cFrom jHere Ij'm Nmot Fcrom Hjere
9'm hot rrom uere 9I'm hNot rFrom uHere I9'm Nhot Frrom Huere l'm jot grom nere lI'm jNot gFrom nHere Il'm Njot Fgrom Hnere
o'm bot trom bere oI'm bNot tFrom bHere Io'm Nbot Ftrom Hbere k'm Noot vrom gere kI'm Nt vFrom gHere Ik'm Nto Fvrom Hgere
8'm Nkt drom yere 8I'm Nkot dFrom yHere I8'm Nokt Fdrom Hyere u'm N9t Heere uI'm N9ot Fom Hre Iu'm No9t Form Hree
I''m N0t Fdom Hsre Im N0ot Hsere Im' No0t Frdom Hesre I'mm Nlt F4om H3re I' Nlot F4rom H3ere I'm Nolt Fr4om He3re
I'j Nit Fgom Hfre I'jm Niot Hfere I'mj Noit Frgom Hefre I'k Nott Ftom Hrre I'km No Hrere I'mk Not Frtom Herre
I'n Nof F5om H4re I'nm Noft F5rom H4ere I'mn Notf Fr5om He4re No5 Ffom Hdre No5t Ffrom Hdere Not5 Frfom Hedre

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