James Marsters
Every Man Thinks God Is On His Side

Every mornin'
Under the big yellow sun
A boy named Pedro
He's the lucky one
Can't read or write
Never been to school
Pedro picks coffee in Brazil
He no fool

You remember Billy Jack
How 'bout brother Sam
Jumped from a window last night
Somewhere in Amsterdam
Fool done broke his neck
Broke his lover's heart
She cried and shook her head
Now they're worlds apart

Every man thinks god is on his side
Ain't that true
Ain't that true
Every man thinks god is on his side
Ain't that you
Ain't that you

Lately I've been feelin' strange
Yeah maybe a little afraid
Maybe 'cause we live and die
In a world we never made
Sometimes it's so damn hard
To believe in what is true
And if you'll be there for me
I will be there for you

Every man thinks god is on his side
Ain't that true
Ain't that true
Every man thinks god is on his side
Ain't that you
Ain't that you
Every man thinks god is on his side
Ain't that true
Ain't that true
Every man thinks god is on his side
Ain't that you
Ain't that you

Mirror lyrics:

Ain't that you
Ain't that you
Every man thinks god is on his side
Ain't that true
Ain't that true
Every man thinks god is on his side
Ain't that you
Ain't that you
Every man thinks god is on his side
Ain't that true
Ain't that true
Every man thinks god is on his side

I will be there for you
And if you'll be there for me
To believe in what is true
Sometimes it's so damn hard
In a world we never made
Maybe 'cause we live and die
Yeah maybe a little afraid
Lately I've been feelin' strange

Ain't that you
Ain't that you
Every man thinks god is on his side
Ain't that true
Ain't that true
Every man thinks god is on his side

Now they're worlds apart
She cried and shook her head
Broke his lover's heart
Fool done broke his neck
Somewhere in Amsterdam
Jumped from a window last night
How 'bout brother Sam
You remember Billy Jack

He no fool
Pedro picks coffee in Brazil
Never been to school
Can't read or write
He's the lucky one
A boy named Pedro
Under the big yellow sun
Every mornin'

Relevant Tags:
EEvery MMan TThinks GGod IIs OOn HHis SSide very an hinks od s n is ide vEery aMn hTinks oGd sI nO iHs iSde svery jan fhinks hod js kn jis zide sEvery jMan fThinks hGod jIs kOn jHis zSide
Esvery Mjan Tfhinks Ghod Ijs Okn Hjis Szide 3very kan 5hinks yod 9s 9n uis wide 3Every kMan 5Thinks yGod 9Is 9On uHis wSide E3very Mkan T5hinks Gyod I9s O9n Huis Swide fvery nan hhinks bod ls 0n nis dide
fEvery nMan hThinks bGod lIs 0On nHis dSide Efvery Mnan Thhinks Gbod Ils O0n Hnis Sdide rvery Maan yhinks vod os ln bis eide rEvery Mn yThinks vGod oIs lOn bHis eSide Ervery Mna Tyhinks Gvod Ios Oln Hbis Seide
4very Mzn 6hinks fod ks in gis xide 4Every Mzan 6Thinks fGod kIs iOn gHis xSide E4very Mazn T6hinks Gfod Iks Oin Hgis Sxide dvery Mqn ghinks tod 8s Onn yis aide dEvery Mqan gThinks tGod 8Is O yHis aSide
Edvery Maqn Tghinks Gtod I8s On Hyis Saide wvery Msn rhinks Good us Om Hiis Siide wEvery Msan rThinks Gd uIs Omn Hs Sde Ewvery Masn Trhinks Gdo Ius Onm Hsi Sdie Evvery Mwn Gkd Iss Oh Hjs Sjde
Eery Mwan Tinks Gkod I Ohn Sjide Eevry Mawn Tihnks Gokd Is Onh Hijs Sijde Ebery Mxn Tjinks G9d Iz Oj H9s S9de Ebvery Mxan Tjhinks G9od Izs Ojn H9is S9ide Evbery Maxn Thjinks Go9d Isz Onj Hi9s Si9de
Ecery Mann Tuinks G0d Iw Ob Hls Slde Ecvery Ma Tuhinks G0od Iws Obn Hlis Slide Evcery Man Thuinks Go0d Isw Onb Hils Silde Egery Mam Tninks Gld Id Hos Sode Egvery Mamn Tnhinks Glod Ids Hois Soide
Evgery Manm Thninks Gold Isd Hios Siode Efery Mah Tbinks Gid Ie Hks Skde Mahn Tbhinks Giod Ies Hkis Skide Evfery Manh Thbinks Goid Ise Hiks Sikde Eveery Maj Tginks Godd Ix H8s S8de
Evry Majn Go Ixs H8is S8ide Evrey Manj Thginks God Isx Hi8s Si8de Evsry Mab Tyinks Gox Ia Hus Sude Evsery Mabn Goxd Ias Suide Evesry Manb Thyinks Godx Isa Hius Siude
Ev3ry Thiinks Goe Hiss Sidde Ev3ery Thnks Goed Hi Sie Eve3ry Thniks Gode His Sied Evfry Thjnks Gof Hiz Sixe Gofd Hizs Sixde
Evefry Thijnks Godf Hisz Sidxe Evrry Th9nks Gor Hiw Siee Evrery Th9inks Gord Hiws Siede Everry Thi9nks Godr Hisw Sidee Ev4ry Thlnks Goc Hid Sife
Ev4ery Thlinks Gocd Hids Sifde Eve4ry Thilnks Godc Hisd Sidfe Evdry Thonks Gos Hie Sire

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