Jagged Edge
Addicted To Love

Mic check one to ready
Um I'm get you sweaty
And J.E. they gon bring you some

[Repeat above (3x)]

I've tried to let you go so many times (yes I have)
And I never thought that going back would ever cross
my mind
See I find, it's only you, back to give me that
special treatment
I aint never been one to beg, baby I miss you and baby
I need you

[1]- You know I like the way you make me feel inside
Baby I just can't shake ya
I'm addicted to your love baby
All day all night you make me feel so right
Baby I just can't shake ya
I'm addicted to your love baby

The thought of you it makes me go crazy and I know
If you trust me you can be my one and only lady
And you make me feel like I wanna feel
Taking your time, let me know what's real
You know that it feels so right
So give me what you got tonight

Lady when I close my eyes
All I see is you and all the beautiful things we used to do
Lady when I close my eyes
It's only you I think of, cause I'm addicted to your love

[Repeat 1 (3x)]

Mirror lyrics:

[Repeat 1 (3x)]

It's only you I think of, cause I'm addicted to your love
Lady when I close my eyes
All I see is you and all the beautiful things we used to do
Lady when I close my eyes

So give me what you got tonight
You know that it feels so right
Taking your time, let me know what's real
And you make me feel like I wanna feel
If you trust me you can be my one and only lady
The thought of you it makes me go crazy and I know

I'm addicted to your love baby
Baby I just can't shake ya
All day all night you make me feel so right
I'm addicted to your love baby
Baby I just can't shake ya
[1]- You know I like the way you make me feel inside

I need you
I aint never been one to beg, baby I miss you and baby
special treatment
See I find, it's only you, back to give me that
my mind
And I never thought that going back would ever cross
I've tried to let you go so many times (yes I have)

[Repeat above (3x)]

And J.E. they gon bring you some
Um I'm get you sweaty
Mic check one to ready

Relevant Tags:
AAddicted TTo LLove ddicted o ove dAdicted oT oLve zddicted fo kove zAddicted fTo kLove Azddicted Tfo Lkove qddicted 5o oove
qAddicted 5To oLove Aqddicted T5o Loove sddicted ho pove sAddicted hTo pLove Asddicted Tho Lpove wddicted yo wAddicted yTo Lve
Awddicted Tyo Lvoe xddicted 6o Lkve xAddicted 6To Axddicted T6o Lokve Adddicted go L9ve Adicted gTo L9ove Addicted Tgo Lo9ve
Axdicted ro L0ve rTo L0ove Adxdicted Tro Lo0ve Aedicted Too Llve Aeddicted T Llove Adedicted To Lolve Afdicted Tk Live
Afddicted Tko Liove Adfdicted Tok Loive Ardicted T9 Lovve Arddicted T9o Loe Adrdicted To9 Loev Acdicted T0 Lobe Acddicted T0o Lobve
Adcdicted To0 Lovbe Asdicted Tl Loce Tlo Locve Adsdicted Tol Lovce Ti Loge Tio Logve Adidcted Toi Lovge
Adxicted Lofe Lofve Addxicted Lovfe Adeicted Lovee Lov Addeicted Love Adficted Lovs
Lovse Addficted Loves Adricted Lov3 Lov3e Addricted Love3 Adcicted Lovf Addcicted Lovef
Adsicted Lovr Lovre Addsicted Lover Addiicted Lov4 Addcted Lov4e Addcited Love4 Addjcted Lovd
Addjicted Lovde Addijcted Loved Add9cted Lovw Add9icted Lovwe Addi9cted Lovew Addlcted Addlicted
Addilcted Addocted Addoicted Addiocted

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