Jean Shepard
If You've Got The Money, I've Got The Time

(Lefty Frizzell - Jim Beck)

If you've got the money, I've got the time
We'll go honky tonkin' and we'll have a time
We'll make all the night spots, dance, romance and dine
If you've got the money, honey, I've got the time.

Well, there ain't no use to tarry so let's start out tonight
We'll spread joy, oh boy, oh boy, and we'll spread it right
We'll have more fun, baby, all way down the line
If you've got the money, honey, I've got the time.

--- Instrumental ---

Well, if you've got the money, I've got the time
We'll go honky tonkin' and we'll have a time
Bring along your cadillac, leave my old wreck behind
If you've got the money, honey, I've got the time.

Yes, we'll go honky tonkin' and we'll be pleasure bent
I'll look like a million but I won't have a cent
If you run short of money, I'll run short of time
'Cause you with no more money, honey, I've no more time.

If you've got the money, I've got the time
We'll go honky tonkin' and we'll have a time
We'll make all the night spots, dance, romance and dine
If you've got the money, honey, I've got the time...

Mirror lyrics:

If you've got the money, honey, I've got the time...
We'll make all the night spots, dance, romance and dine
We'll go honky tonkin' and we'll have a time
If you've got the money, I've got the time

'Cause you with no more money, honey, I've no more time.
If you run short of money, I'll run short of time
I'll look like a million but I won't have a cent
Yes, we'll go honky tonkin' and we'll be pleasure bent

If you've got the money, honey, I've got the time.
Bring along your cadillac, leave my old wreck behind
We'll go honky tonkin' and we'll have a time
Well, if you've got the money, I've got the time

--- Instrumental ---

If you've got the money, honey, I've got the time.
We'll have more fun, baby, all way down the line
We'll spread joy, oh boy, oh boy, and we'll spread it right
Well, there ain't no use to tarry so let's start out tonight

If you've got the money, honey, I've got the time.
We'll make all the night spots, dance, romance and dine
We'll go honky tonkin' and we'll have a time
If you've got the money, I've got the time

(Lefty Frizzell - Jim Beck)

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou've GGot TThe MMoney, II've GGot TThe TTime f ou've ot he oney, 've ot he ime fI oYu've oGt hTe oMney, 'Ive oGt hTe iTme
jf gou've hot fhe joney, j've hot fhe fime jIf gYou've hGot fThe jMoney, jI've hGot fThe fTime Ijf Ygou've Ghot Tfhe Mjoney, Ij've Ghot Tfhe Tfime
9f hou've yot 5he koney, 9've yot 5he 5ime 9If hYou've yGot 5The kMoney, 9I've yGot 5The 5Time I9f Yhou've Gyot T5he Mkoney, I9've Gyot T5he T5ime
lf 6ou've bot hhe noney, l've bot hhe hime lIf 6You've bGot hThe nMoney, lI've bGot hThe hTime Ilf Y6ou've Gbot Thhe Mnoney, Il've Gbot Thhe Thime
of uou've vot yhe Mooney, o've vot yhe yime oIf uYou've vGot yThe Mney, oI've vGot yThe yTime Iof Yuou've Gvot Tyhe Mnoey, Io've Gvot Tyhe Tyime
kf 7ou've fot 6he Mkney, k've fot 6he 6ime kIf 7You've fGot 6The kI've fGot 6The 6Time Ikf Y7ou've Gfot T6he Mokney, Ik've Gfot T6he T6ime
8f jou've tot ghe M9ney, 8've tot ghe gime 8If jYou've tGot gThe M9oney, 8I've tGot gThe gTime I8f Yjou've Gtot Tghe Mo9ney, I8've Gtot Tghe Tgime
uf tou've Goot rhe M0ney, u've Goot rhe rime uIf tYou've Gt rThe M0oney, uI've Gt rThe rTime Iuf Ytou've Gto Trhe Mo0ney, Iu've Gto Trhe Trime
Iff Yoou've Gkt Mlney, I''ve Gkt Tiime I Yu've Gkot Te Mloney, Ive Gkot Te Tme If Yuo've Gokt Teh Molney, Iv'e Gokt Teh Tmie
Ic Yku've G9t Tje Miney, I'vve G9t Tje Tjme Icf Ykou've G9ot Tjhe Mioney, I'e G9ot Tjhe Tjime Ifc Yoku've Go9t Thje Moiney, I'ev Go9t Thje Tijme
Ir Y9u've G0t Tue Monney, I'be G0t Tue T9me Irf Y9ou've G0ot Tuhe Moey, I'bve G0ot Tuhe T9ime Ifr Yo9u've Go0t Thue Moeny, I'vbe Go0t Thue Ti9me
Ig Y0u've Glt Tne Momey, I'ce Glt Tne Tlme Igf Y0ou've Glot Tnhe Momney, I'cve Glot Tnhe Tlime Ifg Yo0u've Golt Thne Monmey, I'vce Golt Thne Tilme
It Ylu've Git Tbe Mohey, I'ge Git Tbe Tome Itf Ylou've Giot Tbhe Mohney, I'gve Giot Tbhe Toime Ift Yolu've Goit Thbe Monhey, I'vge Goit Thbe Tiome
Iv Yiu've Gott Tge Mojey, I'fe Gott Tge Tkme Ivf Yiou've Go Mojney, I'fve Go Tkime Ifv Yoiu've Got Thge Monjey, I'vfe Got Thge Tikme
Id Youu've Gof Tye Mobey, I'vee Gof Tye T8me Idf Yo've Goft Mobney, I'v Goft T8ime Ifd Yo'uve Gotf Thye Monbey, I've Gotf Thye Ti8me
Yoh've Go5 Thee Moneey, I'vs Go5 Thee Tume Yohu've Go5t Th Mony, I'vse Go5t Th Tuime Youh've Got5 The Monye, I'ves Got5 The Tiume
Yo7've Goh Ths Monsy, I'v3 Goh Ths Timme Yo7u've Goht Thse Monsey, I'v3e Goht Thse Tie You7've Goth Thes Monesy, I've3 Goth Thes Tiem
Yok've Goy Th3 Mon3y, I'vf Goy Th3 Tije Goyt Th3e Mon3ey, Goyt Th3e

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