Jacques Brel
I Loved (j'aimais)

I loved all games and fairy tales

As strangely odd as that may seem

I loved firelight and witches' tales

You see, you were there in my dreams

I lived in a tower, cloud-top high

To stop your love from passing by

For this I simply had to do

You see, I was waiting for you

I loved the rocks, the ocean breeze

And the hissing of the foam

The wild, wild kiss of the roaring seas

Now you had brought me home

You leaped buildings in single bounds

Although I well may ask you how

You bayed the moon just like a hound

I knew I adored you now

You laced the night with raging storms

You threw the lightning 'cross the skies

You kissed my mouth with promises

You burned me with your lies

You loved me like a poet loves

My nights were made of stars and fears

Thinking that you would go away

And leave me only with my tears

I loved the towns where we made love

And the hotels where we played games

You thought I'd never live it down

Yet you see, I've forgotten your name

Mirror lyrics:

Yet you see, I've forgotten your name

You thought I'd never live it down

And the hotels where we played games

I loved the towns where we made love

And leave me only with my tears

Thinking that you would go away

My nights were made of stars and fears

You loved me like a poet loves

You burned me with your lies

You kissed my mouth with promises

You threw the lightning 'cross the skies

You laced the night with raging storms

I knew I adored you now

You bayed the moon just like a hound

Although I well may ask you how

You leaped buildings in single bounds

Now you had brought me home

The wild, wild kiss of the roaring seas

And the hissing of the foam

I loved the rocks, the ocean breeze

You see, I was waiting for you

For this I simply had to do

To stop your love from passing by

I lived in a tower, cloud-top high

You see, you were there in my dreams

I loved firelight and witches' tales

As strangely odd as that may seem

I loved all games and fairy tales

Relevant Tags:
II LLoved ((j'aimais) oved j'aimais) I oLved j('aimais) j koved (jj'aimais) jI kLoved ('aimais) Ij Lkoved ('jaimais)
9 ooved (k'aimais) 9I oLoved (kj'aimais) I9 Looved (jk'aimais) l poved (i'aimais) lI pLoved (ij'aimais) Il Lpoved (ji'aimais)
o (m'aimais) oI Lved (mj'aimais) Io Lvoed (jm'aimais) k Lkved (n'aimais) kI (nj'aimais) Ik Lokved (jn'aimais)
8 L9ved (h'aimais) 8I L9oved (hj'aimais) I8 Lo9ved (jh'aimais) u L0ved (u'aimais) uI L0oved (uj'aimais) Iu Lo0ved (ju'aimais)
Llved (j''aimais) Lloved (jaimais) Lolved (ja'imais) Lived (j'aaimais) Lioved (j'imais) Loived (j'iamais)
Lovved (j'zimais) Loed (j'zaimais) Loevd (j'azimais) Lobed (j'qimais) Lobved (j'qaimais) Lovbed (j'aqimais)
Loced (j'simais) Locved (j'saimais) Lovced (j'asimais) Loged (j'wimais) Logved (j'waimais) Lovged (j'awimais)
Lofed (j'ximais) Lofved (j'xaimais) Lovfed (j'aximais) Loveed (j'aiimais) Lovd (j'amais) Lovde (j'amiais)
Lovsd (j'ajmais) Lovsed (j'ajimais) Lovesd (j'aijmais) Lov3d (j'a9mais) Lov3ed (j'a9imais) Love3d (j'ai9mais)
Lovfd (j'almais) (j'alimais) Lovefd (j'ailmais) Lovrd (j'aomais) Lovred (j'aoimais) Loverd (j'aiomais)
Lov4d (j'akmais) Lov4ed (j'akimais) Love4d (j'aikmais) Lovdd (j'a8mais) Lovded (j'a8imais) Lovedd (j'ai8mais)
Lovwd (j'aumais) Lovwed (j'auimais) Lovewd (j'aiumais) (j'aimmais) Love (j'aiais) Loved (j'aiamis)
Lovex (j'aijais)

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