Jennifer Knapp
Lead Me True

Never thought I'd come to the day when
I'd drop my head and ask to stay for a while
Just ran away when it got too tough
Built my life on lies and little trust
Now I'm down on my knees Puttin' faith in a prayer
After I walked a million miles to find what I had
left behind circle back find my Lord
calling out to me He said
"Jenni come just as fast as you can
let go of that devil's hand only I only I
can lead you true"
spent too much my time runnin' back and forth
never thought I'd live to be a praise report
But Jesus put the breath of life in me
After I walked a million miles to find what I had
left behind circle back find my Lord
calling out to me He said
"Jenni come just as fast as you can
let go of that devil's hand only I only I
can lead you true"
It's sure good to see you again my long lost friend
What of this absence has made your heart so weak
Well I walked a million miles to find what I had
left behind circle back find my Lord
calling out to me
I hear you call I hear you say Jenni don't
Jenni don't run away I need a witness to say
Well I walked a million miles to find what I had
left behind circle back find my Lord
calling out to me

Mirror lyrics:

calling out to me
left behind circle back find my Lord
Well I walked a million miles to find what I had
Jenni don't run away I need a witness to say
I hear you call I hear you say Jenni don't
calling out to me
left behind circle back find my Lord
Well I walked a million miles to find what I had
What of this absence has made your heart so weak
It's sure good to see you again my long lost friend
can lead you true"
let go of that devil's hand only I only I
"Jenni come just as fast as you can
calling out to me He said
left behind circle back find my Lord
After I walked a million miles to find what I had
But Jesus put the breath of life in me
never thought I'd live to be a praise report
spent too much my time runnin' back and forth
can lead you true"
let go of that devil's hand only I only I
"Jenni come just as fast as you can
calling out to me He said
left behind circle back find my Lord
After I walked a million miles to find what I had
Now I'm down on my knees Puttin' faith in a prayer
Built my life on lies and little trust
Just ran away when it got too tough
I'd drop my head and ask to stay for a while
Never thought I'd come to the day when

Relevant Tags:
LLead MMe TTrue ead e rue eLad eM rTue kead je frue kLead jMe fTrue Lkead Mje Tfrue oead ke 5rue oLead kMe 5True Loead Mke T5rue
pead ne hrue pLead nMe hTrue Lpead Mne Thrue Leead Mee yrue Lad M yTrue Laed Me Tyrue Lsad Ms 6rue Lsead Mse 6True Lesad Mes T6rue
L3ad M3 grue L3ead M3e gTrue Le3ad Me3 Tgrue Lfad Mf rrue Lfead Mfe rTrue Lefad Mef Trrue Lrad Mr Lread Mre Tue Lerad Mer Ture
L4ad M4 Tdue L4ead M4e Tdrue Le4ad Me4 Trdue Ldad Md T4ue Ldead Mde T4rue Ledad Med Tr4ue Lwad Mw Tgue Lwead Mwe Lewad Mew Trgue
Leaad Ttue Led Ttrue Leda Trtue Lezd T5ue Lezad Leazd Tr5ue Leqd Tfue Leqad Leaqd Trfue
Lesd Teue

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