Jennifer Knapp
All Consuming Fire

I sit here and question why my God loves me
Though I have never done a good thing, or a righteous deed.
And though I'm rich, I claim that I'm poor,
Crying over earthly things I know I can't afford,
But He who died is greater than these,
I should be thankful, praying on my knees crying

Alpha and Omega
Prince of Peace
Oh my King of Kings
The Great I Am, Jehova Jireh
Who cares for me
The Holy One
The Holy Father of the blessed Trinity
All Consuming Fire burn in me.

Now I never claimed to be anymore than I am
Any more than I seem.
In fact I build myself so much less than I am
So much less than He sees.
So may I hold out with an open hand this frail life of mine
And pray that You can make it stand
Most holy God it's all I need to say that I'm thankful
That I can believe in

The Alpha and Omega
The Prince of Peace
Oh my King of Kings
The Great I Am
Jehovah Jireh who cares for me
The Holy One
The Holy Father of the blessed Trinity
All Consuming Fire burn in me

Repeat Chorus

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat Chorus

All Consuming Fire burn in me
The Holy Father of the blessed Trinity
The Holy One
Jehovah Jireh who cares for me
The Great I Am
Oh my King of Kings
The Prince of Peace
The Alpha and Omega

That I can believe in
Most holy God it's all I need to say that I'm thankful
And pray that You can make it stand
So may I hold out with an open hand this frail life of mine
So much less than He sees.
In fact I build myself so much less than I am
Any more than I seem.
Now I never claimed to be anymore than I am

All Consuming Fire burn in me.
The Holy Father of the blessed Trinity
The Holy One
Who cares for me
The Great I Am, Jehova Jireh
Oh my King of Kings
Prince of Peace
Alpha and Omega

I should be thankful, praying on my knees crying
But He who died is greater than these,
Crying over earthly things I know I can't afford,
And though I'm rich, I claim that I'm poor,
Though I have never done a good thing, or a righteous deed.
I sit here and question why my God loves me

Relevant Tags:
AAll CConsuming FFire ll onsuming ire lAl oCnsuming iFre zll fonsuming cire zAll fConsuming cFire Azll Cfonsuming Fcire
qll xonsuming rire qAll xConsuming rFire Aqll Cxonsuming Frire sll vonsuming gire sAll vConsuming gFire Asll Cvonsuming Fgire
wll donsuming tire wAll dConsuming tFire Awll Cdonsuming Ftire xll Coonsuming vire xAll Cnsuming vFire Axll Cnosuming Fvire
Alll Cknsuming dire Al Ckonsuming dFire All Coknsuming Fdire Akl C9nsuming Fiire Akll C9onsuming Fre Alkl Co9nsuming Frie
Aol C0nsuming Fjre Aoll C0onsuming Fjire Alol Co0nsuming Fijre Apl Clnsuming F9re Apll Clonsuming F9ire Alpl Colnsuming Fi9re
Cinsuming Flre Cionsuming Flire Coinsuming Filre Alk Connsuming Fore Cosuming Foire Allk Cosnuming Fiore
Alo Comsuming Fkre Comnsuming Fkire Allo Conmsuming Fikre Alp Cohsuming F8re Cohnsuming F8ire Allp Conhsuming Fi8re
Cojsuming Fure Cojnsuming Fuire Conjsuming Fiure Cobsuming Firre Cobnsuming Fie Conbsuming Fier
Conssuming Fide Conuming Fidre Conusming Firde Conzuming Fi4e Conzsuming Fi4re Conszuming Fir4e
Conwuming Fige Conwsuming Figre Conswuming Firge Conduming Fite Condsuming Fitre Consduming Firte
Coneuming Fi5e Conesuming Fi5re Conseuming Fir5e Conxuming Fife Conxsuming Fifre Consxuming Firfe
Conauming Fiee Conasuming Fiere Consauming Firee Consuuming Consming Fir Consmuing Fire
Conshming Firs Conshuming Firse Consuhming Fires Cons7ming Fir3 Cons7uming Fir3e Consu7ming Fire3
Conskming Firf

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