Jennifer Hudson
(love Is Like A) Heat Wave

Whenever I'm with him
Something inside
Starts to burnin'
And I'm filled with desire

Could it be the devil in me
Or is this the way love's supposed to be

Just like a heatwave
Burning in my heart
Can't keep from cryin'
It's tearing me apart

Whenever he calls my name
So slow, sweet and plain
I feel, yeah, yeah,
Well I feel that burning flame

Has my blood pressure got a hold on me
Or is this the way love's supposed to be

Just like a heatwave
Burning in my heart
Can't keep from cryin'
It's tearing me apart

Sometimes I stare in space
Tears all over my face
I can't explain it, don't understand it
I ain't never felt like this before

But that doesn't mean it has me amazed
I don't know what to do, my head's in a haze

Just like a heatwave
Burning in my heart
Can't keep from cryin'
It's tearing me apart

Don't pass up this chance
This time it's a true romance


Mirror lyrics:


This time it's a true romance
Don't pass up this chance

It's tearing me apart
Can't keep from cryin'
Burning in my heart
Just like a heatwave

I don't know what to do, my head's in a haze
But that doesn't mean it has me amazed

I ain't never felt like this before
I can't explain it, don't understand it
Tears all over my face
Sometimes I stare in space

It's tearing me apart
Can't keep from cryin'
Burning in my heart
Just like a heatwave

Or is this the way love's supposed to be
Has my blood pressure got a hold on me

Well I feel that burning flame
I feel, yeah, yeah,
So slow, sweet and plain
Whenever he calls my name

It's tearing me apart
Can't keep from cryin'
Burning in my heart
Just like a heatwave

Or is this the way love's supposed to be
Could it be the devil in me

And I'm filled with desire
Starts to burnin'
Something inside
Whenever I'm with him

Relevant Tags:
((love IIs LLike AA) HHeat WWave love s ike ) eat ave l(ove sI iLke )A eHat aWve (llove js kike z) jeat aave (ove jIs kLike zA) jHeat aWave
(olve Ijs Lkike Az) Hjeat Waave (kove 9s oike q) ueat 3ave (klove 9Is oLike qA) uHeat 3Wave (lkove I9s Loike Aq) Hueat W3ave (oove ls pike s) neat dave
(olove lIs pLike sA) nHeat dWave (loove Ils Lpike As) Hneat Wdave (pove os Liike w) beat eave (plove oIs Lke wA) bHeat eWave (lpove Ios Lkie Aw) Hbeat Weave
ks Ljke x) geat save (lve kIs Ljike xA) gHeat sWave (lvoe Iks Lijke Ax) Hgeat Wsave (lkve 8s L9ke A)) yeat 2ave 8Is L9ike A yHeat 2Wave
(lokve I8s Li9ke A) Hyeat W2ave (l9ve us Llke Heeat qave (l9ove uIs Llike Hat qWave (lo9ve Ius Lilke Haet Wqave (l0ve Iss Loke Hsat
(l0ove I Hseat Wve (lo0ve Is Lioke Hesat Wvae (llve Iz Lkke H3at Wzve Izs H3eat Wzave (lolve Isz Likke He3at Wazve
(live Iw L8ke Hfat Wqve (liove Iws L8ike Hfeat (loive Isw Li8ke Hefat Waqve (lovve Id Luke Hrat Wsve (loe Ids Luike Hreat
(loev Isd Liuke Herat Wasve (lobe Ie H4at Wwve (lobve Ies Lie H4eat Wwave (lovbe Ise Liek He4at Wawve (loce Ix Lile Hdat Wxve
(locve Ixs Hdeat Wxave (lovce Isx Likle Hedat Waxve (loge Ia Lioe Hwat Wavve

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