Jennifer Holliday
Telling You

And I am telling you I'm not going
You're best man I've ever known
There's no way I can ever go
Darling there's no way
No no no no way
I'm living without you

I'm not living without you
I don't wanna be free

I'm staying
I'm staying
And you - and you
You're gonna love me

You're gonna love me

And I am telling you I'm not going
Even though the rough times are showing
There's just no way - there's no way

We're part of the same place
We're part of the same time
We both share the same blood
We both have the same mind

And time and time
We have so much to share
No no no no no no
I'm not waking up tomorrow morning
And finding that there's nobody there

Darling there's no way
No no no no way
I'm living without you
I'm not living without you
You see there's just no way - there's no way

Tear down the mountains
Yell, scream and shout
You can say what you want
I'm not walking out

Stop all the rivers
Push, strike and kill
I'm not gonna leave you
There's no way I will

And I am telling you I'm not going
You're the best man I'll ever know
There's no way I can ever, ever go
No no no no way
No no no no way
I'm living without you
I'm not living without you

Not living without you
I don't wanna be free

I'm staying
I'm staying
And you - and you - and you
You're gonna love me

You're gonna love me
Yes, ah
Ooh, ooh, love me
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh love me
Love me - love me - love me
Love me

You're gonna love me

Mirror lyrics:

You're gonna love me

Love me
Love me - love me - love me
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh love me
Ooh, ooh, love me
Yes, ah
You're gonna love me

You're gonna love me
And you - and you - and you
I'm staying
I'm staying

I don't wanna be free
Not living without you

I'm not living without you
I'm living without you
No no no no way
No no no no way
There's no way I can ever, ever go
You're the best man I'll ever know
And I am telling you I'm not going

There's no way I will
I'm not gonna leave you
Push, strike and kill
Stop all the rivers

I'm not walking out
You can say what you want
Yell, scream and shout
Tear down the mountains

You see there's just no way - there's no way
I'm not living without you
I'm living without you
No no no no way
Darling there's no way

And finding that there's nobody there
I'm not waking up tomorrow morning
No no no no no no
We have so much to share
And time and time

We both have the same mind
We both share the same blood
We're part of the same time
We're part of the same place

There's just no way - there's no way
Even though the rough times are showing
And I am telling you I'm not going

You're gonna love me

You're gonna love me
And you - and you
I'm staying
I'm staying

I don't wanna be free
I'm not living without you

I'm living without you
No no no no way
Darling there's no way
There's no way I can ever go
You're best man I've ever known
And I am telling you I'm not going

Relevant Tags:
TTelling YYou elling ou eTlling oYu felling gou fTelling gYou Tfelling Ygou 5elling hou 5Telling hYou T5elling Yhou helling 6ou
hTelling 6You Thelling Y6ou yelling uou yTelling uYou Tyelling Yuou 6elling 7ou 6Telling 7You T6elling Y7ou gelling jou gTelling jYou
Tgelling Yjou relling tou rTelling tYou Trelling Ytou Teelling Yoou Tlling Yu Tleling Yuo Tslling Yku Tselling Ykou Teslling Yoku
T3lling Y9u T3elling Y9ou Te3lling Yo9u Tflling Y0u Y0ou Teflling Yo0u Trlling Ylu Ylou Terlling Yolu T4lling Yiu
T4elling Yiou Te4lling Yoiu Tdlling Youu Tdelling Yo Tedlling You Twlling Yoh Twelling Yohu Tewlling Youh Tellling Yo7 Teling Yo7u
Telling You7 Tekling Yok Teklling Telkling Youk Teoling Yoi Teolling Teloling Youi Tepling Yo8 Teplling Yo8u

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