Jackson 5
Can I See You In The Morning

Can i see you (can i see you)
In the morning (in the morning)

Can i see you (can i see you)
In the morning (in the morning)

Can i see you in the morning
Like i see you late tonight
Come and hold me
Come and hold me

Come and make me feel alright
In the morning
Can i see you in the morning

Can i see you in the morning
Once i get down on my knees
Come and take me
Come and take me
Do with me just what you please
Just a short walk in the sunshine
In the open side by side

Chance to hold you
Chance to hold you
Chance to hold my head up high
In the morning

They say you're too old for me

Mirror lyrics:

They say you're too old for me
In the morning
Chance to hold my head up high
Chance to hold you
Chance to hold you

In the open side by side
Just a short walk in the sunshine
Do with me just what you please
Come and take me
Come and take me
Once i get down on my knees
Can i see you in the morning

Can i see you in the morning
In the morning
Come and make me feel alright

Come and hold me
Come and hold me
Like i see you late tonight
Can i see you in the morning

In the morning (in the morning)
Can i see you (can i see you)

In the morning (in the morning)
Can i see you (can i see you)

Relevant Tags:
CCan II SSee YYou IIn TThe MMorning an ee ou n he orning aCn I eSe oYu nI hTe oMrning fan j zee gou jn fhe jorning fCan jI zSee gYou jIn fThe jMorning
Cfan Ij Szee Ygou Ijn Tfhe Mjorning xan 9 wee hou 9n 5he korning xCan 9I wSee hYou 9In 5The kMorning Cxan I9 Swee Yhou I9n T5he Mkorning van l dee 6ou ln hhe norning
vCan lI dSee 6You lIn hThe nMorning Cvan Il Sdee Y6ou Iln Thhe Mnorning dan o eee uou on yhe Moorning dCan oI eSee uYou oIn yThe Mrning Cdan Io Seee Yuou Ion Tyhe Mroning
Caan k xee 7ou kn 6he Mkrning Cn kI xSee 7You kIn 6The Cna Ik Sxee Y7ou Ikn T6he Mokrning Czn 8 aee jou 8n ghe M9rning Czan 8I aSee jYou 8In gThe M9orning
Cazn I8 Saee Yjou I8n Tghe Mo9rning Cqn u tou un rhe M0rning Cqan uI Se tYou uIn rThe M0orning Caqn Iu See Ytou Iun Trhe Mo0rning Csn Sse Yoou Inn Mlrning
Csan Ssee Yu I Te Mlorning Casn Sese Yuo In Teh Molrning Cwn S3e Yku Im Tje Mirning Cwan S3ee Ykou Imn Tjhe Miorning Cawn Se3e Yoku Inm Thje Moirning
Cxn Sfe Y9u Ih Tue Morrning Sfee Y9ou Ihn Tuhe Moning Caxn Sefe Yo9u Inh Thue Monring Cann Sre Y0u Ij Tne Modning Ca Sree Y0ou Tnhe Modrning
Can Sere Yo0u Inj Thne Mordning Cam S4e Ylu Ib Tbe Mo4ning Camn S4ee Ylou Ibn Tbhe Mo4rning Canm Se4e Yolu Inb Thbe Mor4ning Cah Sde Yiu Tge Mogning
Cahn Yiou Mogrning Canh Sede Yoiu Thge Morgning Caj Swe Youu Tye Motning Cajn Yo Motrning Canj Sewe You Thye Mortning
Cab Yoh Thee Mo5ning Cabn Yohu Th Mo5rning Canb Youh The Mor5ning Ses Yo7 Ths Mofning Yo7u Thse Mofrning
Sees You7 Thes Morfning Se3 Yok Th3 Moening Th3e Moerning See3 Youk The3 Morening Sef Yoi Thf Mornning
Thfe Moring Seef Youi Thef Morinng Ser Yo8 Thr Morming Yo8u Thre Mormning Seer You8 Ther Mornming
Se4 Yoj Th4 Morhing Yoju Th4e Morhning

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