Jackson 5
E Ne Me Ne Mi Ne Moe (the Choice Is Yours To Pull)

To know of life
(To know of life)
Is to know what I'm living for
Touch my hand and, baby, I'm yours

To know of love
(To know of love)
Is to know that I live for you
To be in love is to be there with you

Everyday means so much to me
But it all depends on you
Don't you know, oh, baby

We were meant to be
Oh, and life for me
Begins and ends with you

To know you're mine
(To know you're mine)
Is to know how it used to be
Yesterday is all I can see

That's how I know
Life can be beautiful
But it all depends on you
Now that you're gone, baby

(Since you've been gone)
Just not the same, baby
Since you've been gone
Just not the same, baby

To know of us
Is what I'm still living for
But it all depends on you
Baby, it all depends on you

(Baby, come home)
To know happiness
Is to know you're here in my arms
(Baby, come home)

Let me know, let me know, let me know
What it is to live again
(Baby, come home)
(Baby, come home)

Mirror lyrics:

(Baby, come home)
(Baby, come home)
What it is to live again
Let me know, let me know, let me know

(Baby, come home)
Is to know you're here in my arms
To know happiness
(Baby, come home)

Baby, it all depends on you
But it all depends on you
Is what I'm still living for
To know of us

Just not the same, baby
Since you've been gone
Just not the same, baby
(Since you've been gone)

Now that you're gone, baby
But it all depends on you
Life can be beautiful
That's how I know

Yesterday is all I can see
Is to know how it used to be
(To know you're mine)
To know you're mine

Begins and ends with you
Oh, and life for me
We were meant to be

Don't you know, oh, baby
But it all depends on you
Everyday means so much to me

To be in love is to be there with you
Is to know that I live for you
(To know of love)
To know of love

Touch my hand and, baby, I'm yours
Is to know what I'm living for
(To know of life)
To know of life

Relevant Tags:
EE NNe MMe NNe MMi NNe MMoe ((the CChoice IIs YYours TTo PPull) e e e i e oe the hoice s ours o ull)
E eN eM eN iM eN oMe t(he hCoice sI oYurs oT uPll) s me je me ji me joe (tthe fhoice js gours fo 0ull)
sE mNe jMe mNe jMi mNe jMoe (he fChoice jIs gYours fTo 0Pull) Es Nme Mje Nme Mji Nme Mjoe (hte Cfhoice Ijs Ygours Tfo P0ull)
3 he ke he ki he koe (fhe xhoice 9s hours 5o lull) 3E hNe kMe hNe kMi hNe kMoe (fthe xChoice 9Is hYours 5To lPull)
E3 Nhe Mke Nhe Mki Nhe Mkoe (tfhe Cxhoice I9s Yhours T5o Plull) f je ne je ni je noe (5he vhoice ls 6ours ho oull)
fE jNe nMe jNe nMi jNe nMoe (5the vChoice lIs 6Yours hTo oPull) Ef Nje Mne Nje Mni Nje Mnoe (t5he Cvhoice Ils Y6ours Tho Poull)
r be Mee be Mii be Mooe (hhe dhoice os uours yo Puull) rE bNe M bNe M bNe Me (hthe dChoice oIs uYours yTo Pll)
Er Nbe Me Nbe Mi Nbe Meo (thhe Cdhoice Ios Yuours Tyo Plul) 4 Nee Ms Nee Mj Nee Mke (yhe Chhoice ks 7ours 6o Phll)
4E N Mse N N (ythe Coice kIs 7Yours 6To Phull) E4 Ne Mes Ne Mij Ne Moke (tyhe Cohice Iks Y7ours T6o Puhll)
d Ns M3 Ns M9 Ns M9e (6he Cjoice 8s jours go P7ll) dE Nse M3e Nse M9i Nse M9oe (6the Cjhoice 8Is jYours gTo P7ull)
Ed Nes Me3 Nes Mi9 Nes Mo9e (t6he Chjoice I8s Yjours Tgo Pu7ll) w N3 Mf N3 Ml N3 M0e (ghe Cuoice us tours ro Pkll)
wE N3e Mfe N3e Mli N3e M0oe (gthe Cuhoice uIs tYours rTo Pkull) Ew Ne3 Mef Ne3 Mil Ne3 Mo0e (tghe Chuoice Ius Ytours Tro Pukll)
Nf Mr Nf Mo Nf Mle (rhe Cnoice Iss Yoours Too Pill) Nfe Mre Nfe Moi Nfe Mloe (rthe Cnhoice I Yurs T Piull)
Nef Mer Nef Mio Nef Mole (trhe Chnoice Is Yuors To Puill) Nr M4 Nr Mk Nr Mie Cboice Iz Ykurs Tk P8ll)
Nre M4e Nre Nre Mioe (te Cbhoice Izs Ykours Tko P8ull) Ner Me4 Ner Mik Ner Moie (teh Chboice Isz Yokurs Tok Pu8ll)
N4 Md N4 M8 N4 Moee (tje Cgoice Iw Y9urs T9 Pjll) N4e Mde N4e M8i N4e Mo (tjhe Cghoice Iws Y9ours T9o Pjull)
Ne4 Med Ne4 Mi8 Ne4 Moe (thje Chgoice Isw Yo9urs To9 Pujll) Nd Mw Nd Mu Nd Mos (tue Cyoice Id Y0urs T0 Pyll)
Nde Mwe Nde Mui Nde Mose (tuhe Cyhoice Ids Y0ours T0o Pyull) Ned Mew Ned Miu Ned Moes (thue Chyoice Isd Yo0urs To0 Puyll)
Nw Nw Nw Mo3 (tne Chooice Ie Ylurs Tl Pulll) Nwe Nwe Nwe Mo3e (tnhe Chice Ies Ylours Tlo Pul)
New New New Moe3 (thne Chioce Ise Yolurs Tol Pull) Mof (tbe Chkice Ix Yiurs Ti Pukl)
Mofe (tbhe Chkoice Ixs Yiours Tio Moef (thbe Chokice Isx Yoiurs Toi Pulkl)
Mor (tge Ch9ice Ia Youurs Puol) More Ch9oice Ias Yors Puoll)
Moer (thge Cho9ice Isa Yorus Pulol) Mo4 (tye Ch0ice Yohrs Pupl)
Mo4e Ch0oice Yohurs Pupll) Moe4 (thye Cho0ice Youhrs Pulpl)
Mod (thee Chlice Yo7rs Mode (th Chloice Yo7urs
Moed (the Cholice You7rs Pul)l Mow (ths Chiice Yokrs Pulk)
Mowe (thse Chioice Moew (thes Choiice Youkrs Pullk)
(th3 Yoirs Pulo)

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