Jack's Mannequin
Crashing (feat. Stacy Clark)

I wanna hear some music
Now that they're driving us all underground
Not the radio music, or their satellite singing this
In this town, in this town

I wanna hear some music
And with the rock stars all flicker and fade
Power radio music, I'm a ghost overground
On, on parade

And even if your voice comes back again
Maybe they'll be no one listening
And even if I find the strength to stand
Doesn't mean I won't go missing
And the world will come

I wanna hear some music
I have been waiting down here for so long
Trying to write this big music,
With your breath on my face
But now, now you're gone

And even if your voice comes back again
Maybe they'll be no one listening
And even if I find the strength to stand
Doesn't mean I won't go missing
And the world will come,

And the whole world comes
Down, down-wards
And all the water on this broken town
The freeway's just like veins without a heart

And the world just comes

And the whole world comes

And even if your voice comes back again
Maybe they'll be no one listening
And even if I find the strength to stand
Doesn't mean I won't go on

And even if your voice comes back again
Maybe they'll be no one listening
And even if you find the strength to stand
It doesn't mean you won't go missing

And the world will come

And the words will come

And the music comes

Down on me
Down on me

And the words will come

And the words will come

Down on me
So down on me...

Mirror lyrics:

So down on me...
Down on me

And the words will come

And the words will come

Down on me
Down on me

And the music comes

And the words will come

And the world will come

It doesn't mean you won't go missing
And even if you find the strength to stand
Maybe they'll be no one listening
And even if your voice comes back again

Doesn't mean I won't go on
And even if I find the strength to stand
Maybe they'll be no one listening
And even if your voice comes back again

And the whole world comes

And the world just comes

The freeway's just like veins without a heart
And all the water on this broken town
Down, down-wards
And the whole world comes

And the world will come,
Doesn't mean I won't go missing
And even if I find the strength to stand
Maybe they'll be no one listening
And even if your voice comes back again

But now, now you're gone
With your breath on my face
Trying to write this big music,
I have been waiting down here for so long
I wanna hear some music

And the world will come
Doesn't mean I won't go missing
And even if I find the strength to stand
Maybe they'll be no one listening
And even if your voice comes back again

On, on parade
Power radio music, I'm a ghost overground
And with the rock stars all flicker and fade
I wanna hear some music

In this town, in this town
Not the radio music, or their satellite singing this
Now that they're driving us all underground
I wanna hear some music

Relevant Tags:
CCrashing ((feat. SStacy CClark) rashing feat. tacy lark) rCashing f(eat. tSacy lCark) frashing (ffeat. ztacy flark) fCrashing (eat. zStacy fClark)
Cfrashing (efat. Sztacy Cflark) xrashing (ceat. wtacy xlark) xCrashing (cfeat. wStacy xClark) Cxrashing (fceat. Swtacy Cxlark) vrashing (reat. dtacy vlark)
vCrashing (rfeat. dStacy vClark) Cvrashing (freat. Sdtacy Cvlark) drashing (geat. etacy dlark) dCrashing (gfeat. eStacy dClark) Cdrashing (fgeat. Setacy Cdlark)
Crrashing (teat. xtacy Cllark) Cashing (tfeat. xStacy Cark) Carshing (fteat. Sxtacy Calrk) Cdashing (veat. atacy Ckark) (vfeat. aStacy Cklark)
Crdashing (fveat. Satacy Clkark) C4ashing (deat. Sttacy Coark) C4rashing (dfeat. Sacy Colark) Cr4ashing (fdeat. Satcy Cloark) Cgashing (feeat. Sfacy Cpark)
Cgrashing (fat. Sftacy Cplark) Crgashing (faet. Stfacy Clpark) Ctashing (fsat. S5acy Claark) Ctrashing (fseat. S5tacy Clrk) Crtashing (fesat. St5acy Clrak)
C5ashing (f3at. Shacy Clzrk) C5rashing (f3eat. Shtacy Clzark) Cr5ashing (fe3at. Sthacy Clazrk) Cfashing (ffat. Syacy Clqrk) Sytacy Clqark)
Crfashing (fefat. Styacy Claqrk) Ceashing (frat. S6acy Clsrk) Cerashing S6tacy Clsark) Creashing (ferat. St6acy Clasrk) Craashing (f4at. Sgacy Clwrk)
Crshing (f4eat. Sgtacy Clwark) Crsahing (fe4at. Stgacy Clawrk) Crzshing (fdat. Sracy Clxrk) Crzashing Srtacy Clxark) Crazshing (fedat. Stracy Claxrk)
Crqshing (fwat. Staacy Clarrk) Crqashing (fweat. Stcy Clak) Craqshing (fewat. Stcay Clakr) Crsshing (feaat. Stzcy Cladk) Crsashing (fet. Stzacy Cladrk)
Crasshing (feta. Stazcy Clardk) Crwshing (fezt. Stqcy Cla4k) Crwashing (fezat. Stqacy Cla4rk) Crawshing (feazt. Staqcy Clar4k) Crxshing (feqt. Stscy Clagk)
Crxashing (feqat. Stsacy Clagrk) Craxshing (feaqt. Stascy Clargk) (fest. Stwcy Clatk) Crahing Stwacy Clatrk) Crahsing (feast. Stawcy Clartk)
Crazhing (fewt. Stxcy Cla5k) Stxacy Cla5rk) Craszhing (feawt. Staxcy Clar5k) Crawhing (fext. Staccy Clafk) (fexat. Stay Clafrk)
Craswhing (feaxt. Stayc Clarfk) Cradhing (featt. Stafy Claek) Cradshing (fea. Stafcy Claerk) Crasdhing (fea.t Stacfy Clarek) Craehing (feaf. Staxy Clarkk)
Craeshing (feaft. Clar) Crasehing (featf. Stacxy Clar)k Craxhing (fea5. Stavy Clarl) (fea5t. Stavcy Clarlk)

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