Along For The Ride

"When I wake up in the morning
And she's there by my side
Well consciousness it leads me
Just along for the ride
To the carnival she takes me
With her hand touchin mine
She whispers her wishes
And I'm feelin just fine
She dances in the light
She buys me new records
A new suit and a tie
We eat at nice places
And laugh at the faces
That watch us walk by
Just along for the ride
And i find myself lovin her
And i wanna tell her so
Then I see her with another man
Comin out of the show
She never lied
Just along for the ride
When I wake up in the morning
I feel disgust inside
My mind's fastened on her
But she's got another passenger
Who's along for the ride
Along for the ride
Just along for the ride"

Mirror lyrics:

Just along for the ride"
Along for the ride
Who's along for the ride
But she's got another passenger
My mind's fastened on her
I feel disgust inside
When I wake up in the morning
Just along for the ride
She never lied
Comin out of the show
Then I see her with another man
And i wanna tell her so
And i find myself lovin her
Just along for the ride
That watch us walk by
And laugh at the faces
We eat at nice places
A new suit and a tie
She buys me new records
She dances in the light
And I'm feelin just fine
She whispers her wishes
With her hand touchin mine
To the carnival she takes me
Just along for the ride
Well consciousness it leads me
And she's there by my side
"When I wake up in the morning

Relevant Tags:
AAlong FFor TThe RRide long or he ide lAong oFr hTe iRde zlong cor fhe dide zAlong cFor fThe dRide Azlong Fcor Tfhe Rdide
qlong ror 5he 4ide qAlong rFor 5The 4Ride Aqlong Fror T5he R4ide slong gor hhe gide sAlong gFor hThe gRide Aslong Fgor Thhe Rgide
wlong tor yhe tide wAlong tFor yThe tRide Awlong Ftor Tyhe Rtide xlong vor 6he 5ide xAlong vFor 6The 5Ride Axlong Fvor T6he R5ide
Allong dor ghe fide Aong dFor gThe fRide Aolng Fdor Tghe Rfide Akong Foor rhe eide Aklong Fr rThe eRide Alkong Fro Trhe Reide
Aoong Fkr Riide Aolong Fkor Te Rde Aloong Fokr Teh Rdie Apong F9r Tje Rjde Aplong F9or Tjhe Rjide Alpong Fo9r Thje Rijde
F0r Tue R9de Alng F0or Tuhe R9ide Alnog Fo0r Thue Ri9de Alkng Flr Tne Rlde Flor Tnhe Rlide Alokng Folr Thne Rilde
Al9ng Fir Tbe Rode Al9ong Fior Tbhe Roide Alo9ng Foir Thbe Riode Al0ng Forr Tge Rkde Al0ong Fo Rkide Alo0ng For Thge Rikde
Allng Fod Tye R8de Fodr R8ide

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