Jackie Lomax
When I Miss You The Most

When the wind blows
And the leaves turn yellow
And my mind flows
And my night-time is mellow
That's when I miss you the most
That's when I miss you the most

When the rain falls
And the trees they shiver
And the time crawls
Like a slow-flowing river
That's when I miss you the most
That's when I miss you the most

Now the weeks have passed
And the days just get longer
And the clouds clash
And my weakness gets stronger
That's when I miss you the most
That's when I miss you the most

Mirror lyrics:

That's when I miss you the most
That's when I miss you the most
And my weakness gets stronger
And the clouds clash
And the days just get longer
Now the weeks have passed

That's when I miss you the most
That's when I miss you the most
Like a slow-flowing river
And the time crawls
And the trees they shiver
When the rain falls

That's when I miss you the most
That's when I miss you the most
And my night-time is mellow
And my mind flows
And the leaves turn yellow
When the wind blows

Relevant Tags:
WWhen II MMiss YYou TThe MMost hen iss ou he ost hWen I iMss oYu hTe oMst ahen j jiss gou fhe jost aWhen jI jMiss gYou fThe jMost Wahen Ij Mjiss Ygou Tfhe Mjost
3hen 9 kiss hou 5he kost 3When 9I kMiss hYou 5The kMost W3hen I9 Mkiss Yhou T5he Mkost dhen l niss 6ou hhe nost dWhen lI nMiss 6You hThe nMost Wdhen Il Mniss Y6ou Thhe Mnost
ehen o Miiss uou yhe Moost eWhen oI Mss uYou yThe Mst Wehen Io Msis Yuou Tyhe Msot shen k Mjss 7ou 6he Mkst sWhen kI 7You 6The Wshen Ik Mijss Y7ou T6he Mokst
2hen 8 M9ss jou ghe M9st 2When 8I M9iss jYou gThe M9ost W2hen I8 Mi9ss Yjou Tghe Mo9st qhen u Mlss tou rhe M0st qWhen uI Mliss tYou rThe M0ost Wqhen Iu Milss Ytou Trhe Mo0st
Whhen Moss Yoou Mlst Wen Moiss Yu Te Mlost Wehn Mioss Yuo Teh Molst Wjen Mkss Yku Tje Mist Wjhen Ykou Tjhe Miost Whjen Mikss Yoku Thje Moist
Wuen M8ss Y9u Tue Mosst Wuhen M8iss Y9ou Tuhe Mot Whuen Mi8ss Yo9u Thue Mots Wnen Muss Y0u Tne Mozt Wnhen Muiss Y0ou Tnhe Mozst Whnen Miuss Yo0u Thne Moszt
Wben Misss Ylu Tbe Mowt Wbhen Mis Ylou Tbhe Mowst Whben Miss Yolu Thbe Moswt Wgen Mizs Yiu Tge Modt Wghen Mizss Yiou Modst Whgen Miszs Yoiu Thge Mosdt

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