Jackie Lomax
Turning Around

Thoughts with no rhyme or reason
Rule over my mind
Move in circular motion
Follow no set line

Turning around
My head

Waves of colour that can't be seen
Wash across my shore
Moving shadows of violet sheen
Flash and pass on before

Turning around
My head

Mirror lyrics:

My head
Turning around

Flash and pass on before
Moving shadows of violet sheen
Wash across my shore
Waves of colour that can't be seen

My head
Turning around

Follow no set line
Move in circular motion
Rule over my mind
Thoughts with no rhyme or reason

Relevant Tags:
TTurning AAround urning round uTrning rAound furning zround fTurning zAround Tfurning Azround 5urning qround 5Turning qAround
T5urning Aqround hurning sround hTurning sAround Thurning Asround yurning wround yTurning wAround Tyurning Awround 6urning xround
6Turning xAround T6urning Axround gurning Arround gTurning Aound Tgurning Aorund rurning Adound rTurning Adround Trurning Ardound
Tuurning A4ound Trning A4round Truning Ar4ound Thrning Agound Aground Tuhrning Argound T7rning Atound T7urning Atround
Tu7rning Artound Tkrning A5ound Tkurning A5round Tukrning Ar5ound Tirning Afound Tiurning Afround Tuirning Arfound T8rning Aeound
T8urning Aeround Tu8rning Areound Tjrning Aroound Tjurning Arund Tujrning Aruond Tyrning Arkund Arkound Tuyrning Arokund
Turrning Ar9und Tuning Ar9ound Tunring Aro9und Tudning Ar0und Tudrning Ar0ound Turdning Aro0und Tu4ning Arlund Tu4rning Arlound
Tur4ning Arolund Tugning Ariund Tugrning Ariound Turgning Aroiund Tutning Arouund Tutrning Arond Turtning Aronud Tu5ning Arohnd
Tu5rning Arohund Tur5ning Arouhnd Tufning Aro7nd Tufrning Aro7und Turfning Arou7nd Tuening Aroknd Tuerning

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