Jackie Lomax
Take Me Down To The Water

Take me down to the water
Show me, show me how to drink
Waiter, let me change my order
Allow me just a bit more time to think
Well I think you know what I mean
I think you know what I need

Tell me, tell me what is laughter
Show me how to play the game
Tell me, tell me who is master
Come on and show me who I have to blame
Well I think you know what I mean
I think you know what I need

Take me, take me down the mountain
Lead me, lead me into freezing snow
Bring me, bring me to the fountain
Come on and soothe me, let my body go
Well I think you know what I mean
I think you know what I need

Mirror lyrics:

I think you know what I need
Well I think you know what I mean
Come on and soothe me, let my body go
Bring me, bring me to the fountain
Lead me, lead me into freezing snow
Take me, take me down the mountain

I think you know what I need
Well I think you know what I mean
Come on and show me who I have to blame
Tell me, tell me who is master
Show me how to play the game
Tell me, tell me what is laughter

I think you know what I need
Well I think you know what I mean
Allow me just a bit more time to think
Waiter, let me change my order
Show me, show me how to drink
Take me down to the water

Relevant Tags:
TTake MMe DDown TTo TThe WWater ake e own o he ater aTke eM oDwn oT hTe aWter fake je xown fo fhe aater fTake jMe xDown fTo fThe aWater
Tfake Mje Dxown Tfo Tfhe Waater 5ake ke eown 5o 5he 3ater 5Take kMe eDown 5To 5The 3Water T5ake Mke Deown T5o T5he W3ater hake ne fown ho hhe dater
hTake nMe fDown hTo hThe dWater Thake Mne Dfown Tho Thhe Wdater yake Mee rown yo yhe eater yTake M rDown yTo yThe eWater Tyake Me Drown Tyo Tyhe Weater
6ake Ms cown 6o 6he sater 6Take Mse cDown 6To 6The sWater T6ake Mes Dcown T6o T6he Wsater gake M3 sown go ghe 2ater gTake M3e sDown gTo gThe 2Water
Tgake Me3 Dsown Tgo Tghe W2ater rake Mf Doown ro rhe qater rTake Mfe Dwn rTo rThe qWater Trake Mef Dwon Tro Trhe Wqater Taake Mr Dkwn Too
Tke Mre Dkown T Te Wter Tkae Mer Dokwn To Teh Wtaer Tzke M4 D9wn Tk Tje Wzter Tzake M4e D9own Tko Tjhe Wzater Tazke Me4 Do9wn Tok Thje Wazter
Tqke Md D0wn T9 Tue Wqter Tqake Mde D0own T9o Tuhe Taqke Med Do0wn To9 Thue Waqter Tske Mw Dlwn T0 Tne Wster Tsake Mwe Dlown T0o Tnhe
Taske Mew Dolwn To0 Thne Waster Twke Diwn Tl Tbe Wwter Twake Diown Tlo Tbhe Wwater Tawke Doiwn Tol Thbe Wawter Txke Dowwn Ti Tge Wxter
Txake Don Tio Wxater Taxke Donw Toi Thge Waxter Takke Doan Tye Watter Tae Doawn Waer Taek Dowan Thye Waetr
Tale Do3n Thee Wafer Talke Do3wn Th Wafter Takle Dow3n The Watfer Taoe Dodn Ths Wa5er Taoke Dodwn Thse Wa5ter
Takoe Dowdn Thes Wat5er Tame Doen Th3 Waher

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