Jackie Lomax
On The Road To Be Free

My life is spent in strange places
Strangers with familiar faces
A perfect love affair that time erases
On the road to be free
My soul is a shadow and it seems to be
Slipping away from me
Slipping away from me
Slipping away from me
I cannot follow

My eyes are filled with people's emptiness
Everyone is making fun of old fashioned happiness
Ain't much love around, there's only loneliness
On the road to be free
My soul is a shadow and it seems to be
Slipping away from me
Slipping away from me
Slipping away from me
I cannot follow

My mind is anxious for the little things
And I just can't seem to reach that place where a free soul sings
Same old hang-ups, I got the same old hang-ups, yet still I cling
On the road to be free
My soul is a shadow and it seems to be
Slipping away from me
Slipping away from me
Slipping away from me

And it's slipping away, it's slipping away
My soul is a shadow and it's slipping away from me
On the road to be free, it's slipping away
Slipping away from me…

Mirror lyrics:

Slipping away from me…
On the road to be free, it's slipping away
My soul is a shadow and it's slipping away from me
And it's slipping away, it's slipping away

Slipping away from me
Slipping away from me
Slipping away from me
My soul is a shadow and it seems to be
On the road to be free
Same old hang-ups, I got the same old hang-ups, yet still I cling
And I just can't seem to reach that place where a free soul sings
My mind is anxious for the little things

I cannot follow
Slipping away from me
Slipping away from me
Slipping away from me
My soul is a shadow and it seems to be
On the road to be free
Ain't much love around, there's only loneliness
Everyone is making fun of old fashioned happiness
My eyes are filled with people's emptiness

I cannot follow
Slipping away from me
Slipping away from me
Slipping away from me
My soul is a shadow and it seems to be
On the road to be free
A perfect love affair that time erases
Strangers with familiar faces
My life is spent in strange places

Relevant Tags:
OOn TThe RRoad TTo BBe FFree n he oad o e ree nO hTe oRad oT eB rFee kn fhe doad fo ve cree kOn fThe dRoad fTo vBe cFree Okn Tfhe Rdoad Tfo Bve Fcree
9n 5he 4oad 5o ge rree 9On 5The 4Road 5To gBe rFree O9n T5he R4oad T5o Bge Frree 0n hhe goad ho ne gree 0On hThe gRoad hTo nBe gFree O0n Thhe Rgoad Tho Bne Fgree
ln yhe toad yo he tree lOn yThe tRoad yTo hBe tFree Oln Tyhe Rtoad Tyo Bhe Ftree in 6he 5oad 6o Bee vree iOn 6The 5Road 6To B vFree Oin T6he R5oad T6o Be Fvree
Onn ghe foad go Bs dree O gThe fRoad gTo Bse dFree On Tghe Rfoad Tgo Bes Fdree Om rhe eoad ro B3 Omn rThe eRoad rTo B3e Fee Onm Trhe Reoad Tro Be3 Fere
Oh Rooad Too Bf Fdee Ohn Te Rad T Bfe Onh Teh Raod To Bef Frdee Oj Tje Rkad Tk Br F4ee Ojn Tjhe Rkoad Tko Bre F4ree Onj Thje Rokad Tok Ber Fr4ee
Ob Tue R9ad T9 B4 Fgee Obn Tuhe R9oad T9o B4e Onb Thue Ro9ad To9 Be4 Frgee Tne R0ad T0 Bd Ftee Tnhe R0oad T0o Bde Thne Ro0ad To0 Bed Frtee
Tbe Rlad Tl Bw F5ee Tbhe Rload Tlo Bwe F5ree Thbe Rolad Tol Bew Fr5ee Tge Riad Ti Ffee

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