Jackie Greene
I'll Let You In

I operate a searchlight
From a tower through a window
Many hours I spend looking for you
Ever since you've been gone

So I've been looking for you baby
Every morning and every evening
You never said the reasons
But you said we'd meet again

And when the storms that you once threw
Get thrown back at you
And you just can't stand to stand in your own skin
I'll let you in

I'm nailed to the tail of a whale
At the bottom of an ocean
Any day here I'll have to
Come back up for air

I'll be waiting for you baby
In the city in the jungle
Sitting pretty waiting for you
Knock on my door

So when the friends that you once knew
Don't remember you
And they tell you that you can't be born again
I'll let you in

I control the weather
From a dial in the kitchen
Lighting fires from the burner
It's absurd but it works just fine

I've been thinking about places
I've been to and have loved me
And I've had to been sad to
Had to leave cuz things got lost

[And when the friends that you once knew
Don't remember you]
And you just don't think you'll ever learn again
I'll let you in

Mirror lyrics:

I'll let you in
And you just don't think you'll ever learn again
Don't remember you]
[And when the friends that you once knew

Had to leave cuz things got lost
And I've had to been sad to
I've been to and have loved me
I've been thinking about places

It's absurd but it works just fine
Lighting fires from the burner
From a dial in the kitchen
I control the weather

I'll let you in
And they tell you that you can't be born again
Don't remember you
So when the friends that you once knew

Knock on my door
Sitting pretty waiting for you
In the city in the jungle
I'll be waiting for you baby

Come back up for air
Any day here I'll have to
At the bottom of an ocean
I'm nailed to the tail of a whale

I'll let you in
And you just can't stand to stand in your own skin
Get thrown back at you
And when the storms that you once threw

But you said we'd meet again
You never said the reasons
Every morning and every evening
So I've been looking for you baby

Ever since you've been gone
Many hours I spend looking for you
From a tower through a window
I operate a searchlight

Relevant Tags:
II'll LLet YYou IIn 'll et ou n 'Ill eLt oYu nI j'll ket gou jn jI'll kLet gYou jIn Ij'll Lket Ygou Ijn 9'll oet hou 9n
9I'll oLet hYou 9In I9'll Loet Yhou I9n l'll pet 6ou ln lI'll pLet 6You lIn Il'll Lpet Y6ou Iln o'll Leet uou on oI'll Lt uYou oIn
Io'll Lte Yuou Ion k'll Lst 7ou kn kI'll Lset 7You kIn Ik'll Lest Y7ou Ikn 8'll L3t jou 8n 8I'll L3et jYou 8In I8'll Le3t Yjou I8n
u'll Lft tou un uI'll Lfet tYou uIn Iu'll Left Ytou Iun I''ll Lrt Yoou Inn Ill Lret Yu I Il'l Lert Yuo In I'lll L4t Yku Im
I'l L4et Ykou Imn I'll Le4t Yoku Inm I'kl Ldt Y9u Ih I'kll Ldet Y9ou Ihn

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